cfbog Admit Card 2023 –

Office of the Conservator of Forests Social Forest Circle Bogura admits card download available on here. Admit Card for written examination for the post of ‘Office Sohayok’. Forest Department Bogra job exam schedule and admit card release. Exam Date: 31-03-2023. Admit Card Download Link:, See details in Admit.


cfbog Admit Card Download 2023 –

Admit Card Download Link:

cfbog Admit Card 2023 –


Instructions to the Candidates:

1. Candidate must bring the admit card and show it to the invigilator on duty.

2. No candidate can enter without marks. Masks must be worn and safe social distancing must be maintained while in the examination center.

3. The photo on the admit card must match the original application photo submitted online.

4. The examinee shall reveal his/her marks while signing the examination book by the invigilator.

5. Candidates should bring a black ink ballpoint pen. Peshil use is prohibited.

6. Candidates found guilty of fraudulent practices or misconduct will be expelled. If necessary, the authorities will hand him over to law enforcement agencies.

7. Candidates should post the exam 30 minutes before the exam. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall after the commencement of the examination.

8. Bringing bags, books, calculators, electric watches, wristwatches, mobile phones, etc. any kind of digital device into the examination center is strictly prohibited. If any of these items are found in the possession of the candidate during the examination, he/she will be expelled.

9. The used question paper must be submitted along with the answer sheet.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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