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16th NTRCA Hard Copy submit Method –

16th NTRCA Hard Copy submits method to ntrca. Regarding submission of application copy and hardcopy of certificates for candidates who have passed the 16th Teacher Registration Preliminary Examination: 16th NTRCA Hard Copy submit method below carefully. Applicant’s copy of the online application form as per instructions received on SMS to the candidates who have passed the preliminary test.

In addition, photocopies of the following certificates/photocopies of the documents should be attested by the first class gazetted officer and sent to the lower address by post in the envelope with sufficient time. [SMS will be received within a few days, if you do not receive the message on the mobile but know that you have already given the date for sending the papers, then you will send the papers without waiting for the SMS.]


Dhaka GPO Box number- 103


B) Required Papers / Documents:

3) Hard photocopy of Applicant’s Copy filled in online. Of course, print the color and send the original copy, not the photocopy.

2) attested copies of certificates of all educational qualifications;

3) attested photocopy of graduation (pass / honors) stage number (mark sheet/tabulation sheet);

4) Only in the case of Assistant Teacher Posts, a valid copy of the admit cards/papers of the Optional Subject (4th / 4th) mentioned in the online application form by the candidate (you have read the subject of two other departments except your subject). Give a copy of the admit card of the year you have read in the year.)

3) Verified photocopy of the Citizen Certificate (which we call the Chairman’s Certificate).

3) Verified photocopy of training certificate if applicable;

3) Verified photocopy of National Identity Card / Birth Registration Certificate.

C) A hard copy of the application form cannot be taken directly by hand. In that case, your home is not next to Ntrca’s office.

D) In ​​the case of candidates who have passed the preliminary test, the required documents should be sent in the following color envelope. Until the 16th Registration, both the school and the college will use the khaki color envelope only for both the schools, but it will be different from the 16th. The following are mentioned in color:

i) School -2 = white envelope.

ii) School = khaki envelope.

iii) College Stage = yellow envelope.

E) Candidates who have passed the preliminary test should submit the “Application Form of Sixteen Teacher Registration Exam 20” on the envelope for sending a hard copy. In this case, write the school-2 stage, the school stage, and the college stage.

F) Written Test Schedule:

School -2 and School stage: 15 November 2019 from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.

College Stage: 16 November 2019 at 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.

G) A written test of number one will be held for 3 hours.

Attention: Only send a copy of the applicant copy. Never send the original copy of other certificates, mark sheets, admit cards, voter IDs, birth registration IDs, etc. Photocopy these and verify them by the first class gazetted officer and then send them.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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