honours 3rd year form fill up 2023

Honors 3rd year form fill can be done from www.nu.ac.bd or www.nubd.info/honours link. All concerned are hereby informed that all the activities related to filling out the application form (according to the syllabus and regulations effective from the 2013-2014 academic year) for the 2021 Honors third-year examination (regular, irregular, and grade improvement) under the National University will be completed through Online. The date of filling and submission of the examination application form, ancillary rules, and conditions are as follows.

Regular 2017-18, 2016-17, and 2015-16 academic year irregular and grade improvement candidates for the 2018-19 academic year will participate in this program. 2021 Honors 3rd year exam form filling deadline is 19/12/2022 to 19/01/2023 (by students). Details can be found in the college notice.


Honors Third Year Form Fill up Supplementary Notice 2023


National University Honours 3rd year Form Fill up Circular 2023






How to fill up the Honors 3rd year form:

The applicant himself or the college authority should go to the website of the National University www.nubd.info/honours and fill out the application form properly with the registration number and download the print copy and submit it to the respective department along with the fee within the prescribed time.

Those who can participate in the Honors 3rd-year examination:

Honors 3rd year regulars who can participate:

According to the syllabus and revised regulations from the academic year 2013-2014, only the regular students of the academic year 2018-2019 who have been promoted or passed the 2020 Honors 2nd year examination and have been promoted to the 3rd year and have completed the 3rd year course are given on the website. students 2021 Honors third-year examination will participate as regular examinees.


Honors 3rd Year Irregular who can participate:

According to the syllabus and revised regulations from the academic year 2013-2014 (Sessions 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18) those students who were previously promoted or passed the Honors 2nd year examination and got a promotion to the Honors 3rd year but in 2018, 2019 and 2020 Hons. Those students who have not participated in the third-year examination or have not been promoted or passed by participating will appear in the 2021 Honors third-year examination as irregular candidates in their failed courses.

Honors 3rd Year Grade Improvement/Quality Improvement Who can participate:

According to the syllabus and regulations effective from the academic year 2013-2014 made by the National University, those students who have participated in the Honors Third Year examination of the year (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) and passed/promoted to the 4th year but obtained F grade in one or more courses or Those who are absent in any of the papers must appear in the examinations of those courses as grade improvement candidates.

Apart from this, a 2020 Honors A student who has obtained a grade of C or D in one or two courses in the third-year examination will be eligible to participate in the 2021 Honors third-year examination as a grade improvement candidate in all those courses. In this case, a candidate can give grade improvement tests in a maximum of two courses. If a student fails to raise a grade or does not appear for an examination, his previous grade in that course will stand.


Honors 3rd Year Exam Syllabus / Syllabus:

Honors third-year examination of 2021 will be held according to the syllabus and regulations effective from the academic year 2013-2014 made by the National University.

Minimum qualification for promotion from 3rd year to 4th year:

  • It is compulsory for students to appear in all examinations for promotion from the third year to the fourth year. A grade of D or above must be obtained in at least four theory courses attended in all subjects and practical courses must be passed.
  • If absent in 1 course and get a grade of D or more in all other courses then the result will be Conditionally promoted. Such students must participate in the said absent course in the 2021 Honors third-year examination.
  • Absent in more than one course or getting an F grade in another course from absent in one course will not be promoted, the result will be Not promoted.
  • Promoted / Not promoted students will appear in the course/courses with missing letters and F grades and simultaneously appear for grade development examination in courses with C and D grades (maximum two) in the next year.
  • As per the revised examination regulations, a candidate must upgrade to a grade of D or higher during the registration period (within seven academic years from the beginning) of the course/courses in which a candidate received an F grade for advancement to a higher grade. If the grade of F is promoted to a higher grade, there will be no opportunity for grade improvement. A candidate shall not obtain more than a maximum grade of B+ irrespective of the result in the course/courses for which he is promoted by subsequent examination.
  • There is no scope for the upgradation of grades in in-course and practical tests.


College Requirements for Honors Honors 3rd Year:

a) Candidates who will be able to participate in the 2021 Honors 3rd-year examination (potential list) are given on the National University website. After verifying whether the filled application form of the candidates is correct or not with the list of probable candidates (probable list), the submitted applications are confirmed by entering College Login on the university website www.nubd.info/honours and confirming the signature of the Head of the Department and the Principal. will do For Login, User ID & Password can be collected from College Profile or Information Technology (ICT) website. If there is any student who is eligible to fill out the form but not on the prospective list, contact the concerned branch/Information Technology (ICT) office with the necessary documents. Inclusion in the list of potential candidates should be done to fill out the form.

b) All candidates must ensure the correct entry of the in-course number by the specified date.

c) Candidates must print their details online after confirmation. The print copy will be signed first by the Head of the Department and then by the Principal.

d) University website regarding the Honors third-year examination will be launched on time and the activity will be automatically stopped after the fixed time mentioned in the notification for data entry so the college should complete the data entry on time.

e) Utmost caution is requested in the matter of assurance. It should be ensured that no candidate’s guarantee is omitted or substituted for one candidate. No complaint regarding form filling will be entertained after confirmation. If the student fills the application form in any subject other than the honors subject mentioned in the registration card, his/her application will be considered canceled.


Honors 3rd Year Fee Payment Procedure:

a) 2021 Honors 3rd Year (Regular, Irregular, and Grade Improvement) Candidates fee shall be paid through Sonali Seva. Go to the Service menu of the university website (https://.nu.ac.bd) and go to Sonali Seba, click on Submit with the college code, download the specified pay slip and submit it to any branch of Sonali Bank with the mentioned fee.

b) Link will be active from 23/01/2023 10.00 am to 25/01/2023 03.00 pm for collecting pay slips. The pay slip cannot be downloaded and deposited before or after the scheduled time. The authority will not be responsible for the complications arising later if the money is deposited in any other form common to the bank.

c) For “Sonali Seva” related needs can be contacted on mobile number 01867065111.

Honors 3rd Year In-Course Number Dispatch:

The college authority will send the in-course number of each paper of the candidates by entering the number obtained against the roll number of the candidates in the prescribed software online at the time of filling the application form. After verifying the printed copy of the sent number and signing it by the Head of the Department and the Principal, the copies should be sealed in separate envelopes subject-wise and submitted by hand to the Deputy Controller of Examinations, Honors Third Year Branch at the time of submission of the statement and one copy should be kept in the office of the concerned Head of the Department.

Honors 3rd Year Practical Marks Dispatch:

The date and time of the practical test will be intimated in due course. No payment will be made from the University for the purchase of chemicals or other accessories for the practical examination. The specific software on the website and the practical number should be sent as per its instructions. 02 (two) copies of honors subject-wise should be taken after the entry of the candidate’s name, roll number, reg number, and total marks obtained in the specified software. After the print copy is signed by the two Heads of Department, Internal and External Examiners, one copy should be submitted by hand to the Controller of Sub-Examination Honors Third Year Branch and the other copy will be kept by the college.

Honors 3rd Year Exam Conducting Expenses Expenditure:
The concerned central authority will meet all the expenses of conducting the examination from the money received from the center fee. The necessary cost of receiving the answer sheet and other examination-related documents and materials from the National University shall be met from the center fee. Center Fee Rs.300/- out of Rs.450/- should be submitted to the Officer-in-charge of the center (at the center where the examination of the candidates of the concerned college will be held) 03 (three) days before the examination ceremony along with 01 copy of roll statement. The remaining Rs.150/- will be towards the examination-related expenses of the concerned college. No payment will be made from the University for the purchase of chemicals or other accessories for the practical examination.

The practical test will be held in respective colleges (subject to the availability of a requisite number of candidates). In that case, the concerned college will use the money collected from the practical examination center fee. The date and time of the practical exam will be informed in due course after completion of the theory exam.


Honors 3rd Year Exam Routine 2023:

Exam schedules and all other information can be known on the university website www.nubd.info/honours or www.nu.ac.bd.


Rules for Submission of Honors Honors 3rd Year Statement Form:

a) The details of the entry form should be duly entered and signed by the candidate, head of the department, and the principal, and the name of the college and the name of the honors subject should be clearly written on it and submitted to the respective branch of the university / respective regional center and Its photocopy should be preserved in the college. The bound statement form should be submitted by hand to the Controller of Sub-Examination, Honors Third Year Branch/Self Regional Centre.


Regional Center Address:

1. National University Regional Centre, Rajshahi
House # 354, Ballia Pond, Bara Battala,
Ghoramara, Rajshahi-6100.
Phone: 0721-762141

2. National University Regional Centre, Khulna
House # 277, Road # 01, Sonadanga,
KDA Residential Area (Phase-II),
Phone: 041-731673, 041-725291,

3. National University Regional Centre, Chittagong
National University Regional Centre, Sylhet
House No. 66/D, Road No. 01
(Jame Masjid Ahad Villa, Pathantula Point,
Adjacent), South Khulshi, Chittagong-4000.
Phone: 031-2515724, 01713018778

4. National University Regional Centre, Barisal
House Name- Rain Forest, Holding No #
1000, Ward # 12, Medical Lane,
South Aleqanda, Barisal-8200.
Phone: 0431-61168
Phone: 0821-729102, 01730795897

5. National University Regional Centre, Rangpur
House # 390, GL Roy Road, Kamal
Near Kachna, Rangpur 5800
Phone: 0521-56015

6. For Dhaka and Mymensingh Division:
Examination Department, Honors Third Year Branch,
National University Campus, Gazipur.
Phone: 02-996691541


The statement form and other documents should be stored in the concerned college. Students should be informed to fill out the application form within the stipulated time. There is no option to fill out the form after the prescribed time for filling the form with a late fee.


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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