bepza Seat Plan 2022 –, Bangladesh Export Processing Area Authority (BEPZA) written examination for recruitment to the post of revenue department officer will be held on 04 November 2022 in two shifts at a total of 07 (seven) centers. Centers, Posts, Rolls, and Exam Schedule wise The list is as follows.
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bepza Seat Plan 2022 –

BEPZA Exam Instruction:
02. User ID and password have already been SMSed to the mobile number of the eligible applicants to download the exam admit card.
03. Candidates will appear at the center mentioned in their admit card 45 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. Under no circumstances will the candidate be allowed to appear in the examination after the commencement of the examination.
04. Candidates will travel to the examination center with sufficient time in hand. Confirm the exact location of the exam center beforehand. Candidates from one center will not be allowed to appear in the examination at another center under any circumstances.
05. Candidates will wear masks at home while maintaining proper hygiene.
06. No electronic devices (mobiles, programmable calculators, watches, Bluetooth devices,
Headphones), and bags are not allowed.
07. All the information related to the written test results and oral test date will be published on the Bepza website and will be notified through SMS on the mobile of the successful candidate.