District Family Planning Barisal admit card and exam date 2022. District Family Planning Office, Barisal published recruitment exam schedules for various posts. Exam Date: 2022. Barisal District Family Planning Office 3rd and 4th class recruitment exam will be held on 28 October 2022 Friday.
It is hereby informed for the kind information of all concerned that the recruitment notification issued by Barisal District Family Planning Office on last 11/8/2021 (recruitment notification has been published in the national daily Jankanth and local daily ) from 17/8/2021 Apply online from dgfpbari.teletalk.com.bd website till 16/9/2021, after receiving SMS on the mobile phone of the concerned candidate, an applicant can download exam admit card using USER ID and Password of the copy.
District Family Planning Office, Barisal Admit:
District Family Planning Barisal admit card and exam date 2022

This public notice will be available on the District Commissioner, District Family Planning Office, Barisal website, Facebook page, and notice board of all Upazila level offices. This public notification was issued with the kind approval of the District Commissioner and President, District Recruitment/Selection Committee, Family Planning, and Barisal.
Barisal dgfp Exam Terms & Guidelines:
1. Candidates must enter the exam center and room by wearing masks as per the health rules.
2. The admit card must be carried and shown to the hall inspector during the written and oral tests.
3. Must enter the examination room at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the written examination and use a black ink pen in the written examination will be.
4. The signature given on the answer sheet and the attendance sheet must match the signature given on the application form of the candidate.
5. No calculator can be used in the exam. Books, bags, watches, mobile phones or any communication in the exam room
Appliances/electronic devices cannot be brought.
6. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room under any circumstances from the time the question paper is given till the examination is over.
7. At the end of the examination, both answer sheet and question paper must be submitted and leave the examination room.
8. Candidates who qualify the written test must report to the designated desk at least 30 minutes before the oral test with original copies and 01 (one) set of attested photocopies of all the documents mentioned in the recruitment circular.
9. Oral examination of the candidates who qualify the written examination (date will be intimated through notice board and website in due course) will be held at Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Gaibandha. No separate admit card will be issued for this.
10. Due to unavoidable reasons, the authority reserves the right to change the day, date, time and venue of the examination. If this is done, the modified day,
date, time and venue etc through District Family Planning Office, Gaibandhar website http://fpo.barisal.gov.bd/ and District Commissioner, Barisal through website www.barishal.gov.bd and SMS to the mobile number given in the online application of the candidate. will be informed through
11. In case of misconduct in the examination, legal action will be taken against the concerned candidate including cancellation of the examination.
12. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the examination.
13. The decision of the authority in the matter of examination shall be final.
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