DSS exam notice 2022 – Guidelines for Candidates. Admit Card and National Identity Card must be brought to participate in written and oral tests. 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination, the candidate shall take the allotted seat and shall not leave the room until the examination is over. No one will be allowed to go out after the start of the exam until the OMR form is submitted, so all requirements must be met before the exam starts.
DSS exam OMR Guidelines for Candidates
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No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without the admit card (a specimen is given in Annexure-4). No books, answer sheets, notes or any other documents, calculators, mobile phones, vanity bags, purses, watches or clocks, electronic wrist watches or any kind of electronic devices, communication devices or similar items will be allowed to enter the examination center. no, If any candidate enters the examination center with the mentioned items, legal action will be taken against him including immediate expulsion.
The photograph provided by the candidate in the application form will be on the attendance sheet and the invigilator will verify the candidate with this photograph. Legal action will be taken against fake candidates.
1. Admit Card and National Identity Card must be brought to participate in written and oral tests.
2. 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination, the candidate shall take the allotted seat and shall not leave the room until the examination is over
3. No one will be allowed to go out after the start of the exam until the OMR form is submitted, so all requirements must be met before the exam starts.
4. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without the admit card (a specimen is given in Annexure-4). No books, answer sheets, notes or any other documents, calculators, mobile phones, vanity bags, purses, watches or clocks, electronic wrist watches or any kind of electronic devices, communication devices or similar items will be allowed to enter the examination center. no, If any candidate enters the examination center with the mentioned items, legal action will be taken against him including immediate expulsion.
5. Candidates must keep both ears open while in the examination room.
6. The photograph provided by the candidate in the application form will be on the attendance sheet and the invigilator will verify the candidate with this photograph. Legal action will be taken against fake candidates.
7. All information including the signature given in the application form and the signature given in the examination attendance sheet and OMR sheet must match.
8. Candidates must use a black ballpoint pen in the answer sheet.
After receiving the OMR form, read the instructions written at the bottom right side of the form very carefully.
10. If the test is done in a set code other than the set code of the question paper, the answer sheet will be considered invalid.
11. Any mistake in filling the circle of roll or set code will be treated as invalid.
12. Candidates have to sign in the correct space of the attendance sheet, fill in the attendance circle, and enter the question set code and serial number of OMR. Otherwise, the answer sheet will be considered invalid.
13. The list of your seat will be drawn in the exam center. If any other candidate takes the exam in place of one candidate, his/her exam will be canceled.
14. No contact will be allowed during the examination, attempts to contact anyone or any misconduct will result in expulsion from the examination.
15. If the candidate misbehaves with the room inspector before, during, or after the examination or behaves improperly and it is proved, his examination will be canceled.

DSS exam notice 2022 – Guidelines for Candidates pdf