NU Syllabus – Computer Science Syllabus

First Year Syllabus, Department of Computer Science, Four Year B.Sc. Honors Course, Effective from the session: 2013–2014. NU Syllabus – Computer Science 1st Year Syllabus.


Subject: Computer Science
Syllabus for Four Year B.Sc. Honors Course
Effective from the session: 2013-2014



Semester I
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
 Major Theory Courses 
510201Computer Fundamentals3.0
510203Structured Programming Language  3.0
Major Lab Courses
510204Computer Programming Lab I1.5
Minor Theory Courses
Minor Lab Courses
 Total Credits in 1st Semester16.5

Semester II

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
 Major Theory Course 
510211Discrete Mathematics3.0
Minor Theory Courses
510213Digital Systems Design3.0
510215Electrical & Electronic Circuit3.0
510217Linear Algebra3.0
510219Introduction to Statistics and Probability3.0
Minor Lab Courses
510220Digital Systems and VHDL Lab1.5
510222Electrical & Electronic Circuit Lab1.5
 Total Credits in 2nd Semester18.0


Detailed Syllabus


First Semester


Course Code:  510201Marks: 75Credits : 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Computer Fundamentals 


Introduction to Computers: Components of a computer system, Importance, and limitations of computers, Classification of. Microcomputer System: Input and Output Devices: I/O operations and interfaces, Keyboard, Pointing devices, Scanner, Monitor, Tech Screen, Printer, OMR, OCR.

Microprocessors: Functions of microprocessors, Organization of a microprocessor, Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit, Classification of the microprocessor, RISC Process, CISC, Special processors.

Memory & Storage devices: Classification of memory, Memory hierarchies, Read-only memory, Random access memory, Cache memory, Secondary memory: Floppy disk, Hard disk, Optical disk, flash memory. Computer Software: System Software & Application Software, Operating System.

Database Concept: Basic Concepts, Database software, database structures, Database management system, Benefits, and limitations of database management systems. Computer Networks and the Internet: Introduction to the computer network, Network terminologies, LAN, WAN, MAC, Wi-Fi topology.


Books: 1) Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton.
2) Computer Fundamentals, Dr. Md. Lutfar Rahman, Dr. Md. Alamgir Hossain.



Course Code:  510203Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Structured Programming Language  


Computer programming techniques: flowchart, pseudocode, and algorithm; structured programming language: data types, operators, expressions; control structures; functions and program structure: parameter passing conventions, scope rules and storage classes, recursion; header files; preprocessor; pointers and arrays; strings; multidimensional array; dynamic memory allocation;  linked list: single linked list, double linked list, circular linked list;  user-defined data types: structures, unions, enumerations; bitwise operations; input and output: standard input and output, formatted input and output; error handling; file access; variable length argument list; command line parameters; error handling; graphics; linking; library functions.


Reference languages: C.



Reference Books:

  • S. Gottfried, Shaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with C, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition.
  • Herbert Schildt, Teach Yourself C, Published by Osborne, 3rd



Course Code: 510204Marks: 37.5Credits: 1.5Class Hours: 45
Course Title :Computer Programming Lab


Objectives: Laboratory classes are based on course CSE 1102. The goal of this lab is to provide students with the skills needed to effectively design, develop, implement, debug, test, and maintain programs and more generally solve problems in C programming language using a computer. Students will be asked to solve various problems on a regular basis to increase their programming ability. At the end of the course, students will have to develop a simple real-life programming project.



Course Code:  510205Marks: 75Credits : 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Physics


Waves and Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion: Differential equation of a simple harmonic oscillator, Total energy and average energy, Combination of simple harmonic oscillations, Lissajous figures, Spring-mass system, Calculation of time period of a torsional pendulum, Damped oscillation, Forced oscillation, Resonance; Wave: basic definitions, Differential equation of a progressive wave, Power and intensity of wave motion, Stationary wave, Group velocity, and phase velocity; Architectural acoustics, Reverberation, and Sabine’s formula.


Heat and Thermodynamics: Principle of temperature measurements; Thermal expansion; Kinetic theory of gases: Ideal gas equation and its correction, Maxwell’s distribution of molecular speeds, Mean free path, Equipartition of energy; First law of thermodynamics and its applications; Reversible and irreversible processes, Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, Efficiency of heat engines, Carnot’s theorem, Entropy, and disorder; Thermodynamic functions, Third law of thermodynamics.


Properties of Matter: Review of Surface tension, Viscosity, Elasticity; Crystalline and non-crystalline solids, Unit cell, Lattice and Basis, Bravais Lattices, Crystal Planes, and Miller indices, Interplanar Spacing, Simple crystal structures: NaCl, CsCl, Bragg’s Law, methods of determination of crystal structure; Defects in solids: point defects, line defects; Bonds in solids, inter-atomic distances, calculation of cohesive and bonding energy; Introduction to band theory: the distinction between metal, semiconductor, and insulator; Dielectric Properties of the matter: Meaning of Dielectric, Polarization – Electronic, ionic and orientational, the Frequency dependence of dielectric constant; Magnetic properties of matter: Different types of magnetic materials; Introduction of superconductivity.


Physical Optics: Theories of light, Interference of light, Young’s double slit experiment; Displacement of fringes and its uses, Fresnels Bi-prism, Interference at wedge shaped films, Newton’s rings, Interferometers; Diffraction of light, Frenel, and Fraunhofer diffraction; Polarized light, Brewster’s law, Malus law, Polarization by double refraction, Retardation plates, Nicol prism, Optical activity, Polarimeters, Polaroid.

Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics: Fields, Potentials, Capacitors, and Dielectrics; Steady-State Current, RC Circuits, Time-Varying Current And Fields, Steady-State Magnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell’s Equations, Poynting’s Theorem, Wave Equation, Waves in Vacuum and in Materials, Transmission and Reflection at Boundaries, Guided Waves, Dispersion.

Modern Physics: Special Theory of Relativity: Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction, Time Dilation, Relativity of Mass, Mass and Energy Relation, Velocity Addition Theorem, Twin Paradox, Massless Particles; Atomic Structure: Electron Orbits, Atomic Spectra, The Bohr Atom, Energy Level and Spectra, Corresponding Principle, Atomic Excitation.



Course Code:  510207Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Calculus


Differential Calculus

Function and their graphs (polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses, hyperbolic functions and their inverses, combination of such functions).

Limits of Functions: definition. Basic limit theorems with proofs: limit at infinity and infinite limits  Continuous functions. Algebra of continuous functions. Properties Continuous functions on closed and boundary intervals (no proof required).

Differentiation: Tangent lines and rates of change. Definition of derivative. One-sided derivatives. Rules of differentiation (proofs and applications). Successive differentiation. Leibnitz theorem. Related rates. linear approximations and differentials.

Rolle’s theorem: Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean value theorems. Extrema of functions. problems involving maxima and minima. Concavity and points of inflection.

Taylor’s theorem with the general form of the remainder; Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s form the remainder. Taylor’s series. Differentiation and integration of series. Validity of Taylor expansions and computations and computations with series. indeterminate forms. I, Hospital’s rules.

Integral calculus

Integral: Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals. Techniques of integration. Definite integration using antiderivatives. Definite integration using Riemann sums.

Fundamental theorems of calculus. Basic properties of integration. integration by reduction.

Application of integration: Plane areas. Solids of revolutions. Volumes by cylindrical shells volumes by cross-sections. are length and surface of revolution.

Improper integrals. Gamma and beta functions.

Graphing in polar coordinates. Tangents to polar curves. Area and length in polar coordinates.


Course Code:  510209Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Professional English 


This course adopts an integrative approach to teaching the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Special emphasis will be given to the development of reading and writing skills. To ensure maximum benefit from this course, 30% of the total marks will be allotted to class work in reading and writing.

Speaking: Students will focus on developing speaking which will include strategies for communication and an acquaintance with phonetics. Effective oral presentation. Tasks will include making statements, requests, inquiries, disagreeing, complaining and apologizing, discussing, and other oral presentations.

Listening: Students will practice listening to spoken English and taking useful notes.

Reading: Extracts from literary and general essays will be used to develop comprehension as well as an understanding of the nature of literary communication. Students will develop the following reading strategies:

Grammar in Use: While grammar will generally be taught in context, some attention to grammar may be necessary at this stage. The following aspects may be taught: articles, verb patterns, sentence combining-subordination and coordination, conditional sentences, the infinitive, gerund, and participle, and subject-verb agreement.

Writing: Paragraph, précis, and analytical writings, writing on current affairs, Scientific writing.

Commercial Correspondences: Defining context, feedback, and semantic gap. Different types of commercial and business letter writing, tender-notice, and pre-qualification notice writing. Writing different types of reports on specific topics.


Second Semester


Course Code: 510211Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Discrete Mathematics


Methods of proof:  Mathematical Induction, strong induction.

Counting: pigeonhole principle, permutations, and combinations, inclusion-exclusion principle.

Propositional and Predicate Calculus: Statements and Compound statements, tautologies and contradictions, logical equivalence, arguments,  variables and quantifiers, theory of inference.

Theory of Sets: Basic concepts sets and elements, Venn diagram and membership table, set operations, algebra of sets duality classes of sets, power set. Introduction to Principles of mathematical induction.

Functions: Basic concept, types of functions.

Relations: Basic concepts, presentation of relations, types of relations, properties of relations, partial order rings, and equivalence relation closure properties.

Recurrence Relation: Solving recurrence relation, generating functions.

Number Theory:  Division Algorithms-GCD, LCM, prime numbers, and prime factorization, modular arithmetic and congruence, modular exponentiation, Euclidean algorithm.

Algebraic Systems: operators, groups, semigroups, rings, and fields.

Graph: Basic definitions and different types of graphs, Representation of Graphs, Isomorphism, Connectivity, Planner Graphs, Eulers Formula, Kuratowski’s Theorem, Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Graph Coloring techniques, and applications.

Tree: Properties of Tree, rooted trees, tree traversal, spanning tree.



Course Code:  510213Marks: 75Credits : 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Digital System Design  


Introductory concepts,

Combinatorial Logic: Logic gates and Boolean algebra, Combinational Circuits design using logic gates, universal gate. Minimization of switching functions, algebraic simplification of the Karnaugh map, Prime Implement.

Introduction to VHDL and CAD tools: hardware description and simulation,

Sequential Logic: NAND and NOR latch. Clocked SR. JK D and T flip-flops. FF timing consideration. Master-slave FF.

Complex Sequential logic: Frequency division and counting troubleshooting. Asynchronous ripple up and down counters, counters with any MOD numbers asynchronous IC counters, propagation delay. Parallel up down and up/down counters. Presentable counters. The 74193 counter. Decoding a counter. Cascading counters. Sift registers IC shift digital clock, troubleshooting case studies. MSI logic circuits: BCD-to-do decimal decoders, BCD-to-7 segment decoder/drivers. Encoders.

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer: Multiplexes and their applications. Demultiplexers. Troubleshooting case studies Analog-to, digital conversion, digital-ramp, successive approximation, flash, and tractate ADC. Digital-to-analog conversion: circuits, specifications. Sample and hold circuits, Analog multiplexers. Data acquisition, digital voltmeter,

Memory Devices: Semiconductor memory technologies ROM architecture timing and type of ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, ROM applications. RAM architecture static and dynamic RAM, DRAM structure operation, and refreshing. Expanding word size and capacity. Magnetic bubble and CCD memories troubleshooting case studies. Introduction to sequential circuits, formal representation of sequential circuits.Arithmetic circuits: The half-adder full adder. Parallel adders, 2’s complement addition, and troubleshooting case studies.

Book: 1) Digital Systems: Principals and Applications, Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Greg Moss.


Course Code:  510215Marks: 75Credits : 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Electrical & Electronic Circuit


Ac Fundamentals and Circuit Theory: Basic Principles of Ac Generators, Equations of Alternating Voltages and Currents, Definition of Frequency, Time Period, Amplitude, Phase, and Phase Difference, RMS Value, Average Value, and Form Factor, Addition of two Ac quantities, Ac through resistance, Inductance, Capacitance, RLS Series Connection and Resonance, Parallel Resonance, RLC Transients, Series and Parallel Ac Ciruits, Methods of Analysis – Ac networks: Theorems – Ac networks, Power – Ac networks.

Introduction to Semiconductors: Semiconductors and their properties, Bonds in semiconductor, Classification- Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.

Semiconductor Diodes and Special Purpose Diodes: The PN junction- formation, properties, and V-I characteristics, Basic constructions, characteristics, operations, and uses of special diodes: Light-emitting diode (LED), Photo diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, Shockley diode, Zener diode.

Bipolar Junction Transistors: NPN and PNP transistors, Amplifying and switching actions of the transistor, Transistor characteristics in CB, CE & CC configurations, Operating point, Transistor load line analysis.

BJT Biasing: Faithful amplification, Inherent variation of transistor parameters and thermal runaway, Stabilization, and stability factor, Methods of BJT biasing, Analysis and design of biasing circuits.

Single Stage Transistor Amplifier: Single stage amplifier circuit, Phase reversal, dc, and ac equivalent circuits, Load line analysis, Voltage gain and power gain, Classification of amplifiers, Amplifier equivalent circuits.

Field Effect Transistors: Classification of FET, Construction, operation and characteristics of JFET, Transfer characteristics and Shockley’s equation, Operation and characteristics curves of MOSFET, DC biasing of JFET.

Power Electronics: Operations, characteristics, and applications of industrial electronics devices: SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier), TRIAC, DIAC, UJT (Unijunction Transistor)

Feedback Techniques and Op-amps: Concepts- negative and positive feedback, characteristics and gain with a negative voltage and current feedback, Emitter Follower, Basic Op-amps- characteristics, inverting, non-inverting, integrators, differentiators, summing amplifiers.

Regulated Power Supply: Voltage regulation, Rectifiers – operation and efficiency, half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, Ripple factor, Filter circuits – capacitor input filter, LC filter and -filter, Voltage regulator circuits- Zener diode and transistor voltage regulator.

Oscillators: Theory of oscillation, Tuned collector oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Phase shift oscillator, Quartz crystal oscillator.

Course Code:  510217Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Linear Algebra


Vectors in  Rn and Cn. Review of geometry vectors on R2 and R3  space. vectors in Rn and Cn. Inner product. Norm and distance in Rn and Cn.

Matrices and Determinants: Notion of the matrix. Types of matrices. Matrix operation of matrix Algebra Determinant function. Properties of determinants. Minors,  Cofactors. expansion and evaluation of determinants. Elementary row and column operation and row-reduces echelon matrices Invertible matrices.  Block matrices.

System of Linear  Equations: Linear equations. System of linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) and determinants for solving system of linear equations.

Linear Transformations: Linear transformation. Kernel and image of a linear transformation and their properties. Matrix representation of linear transformations. Change of bases.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors : Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Application.


Book: 1) Elementary Linear Algebra, Howard Anton, Chris Rorres.



Course Code:  510219Marks: 75Credits: 3Class Hours: 90
Course Title :Introduction to Statistics and Probability


Statistics – definition and scope: definitions of statistics – past and present, its nature and characteristics, population and sample, descriptive and inferential statistics, scope and applications of statistics, abuse of statistics, sources of statistical data, primary and secondary sources. Data collection tools, types, etc. Construction of questionnaire and other field problems of data collection. Types of data, cross-sectional, longitudinal, follow-up, and panel data.

Processing of data: measurement scales, variables, attributes, classification, characteristic and basis of classification, array formation, tabulation, different types of tables, frequency distribution.

Presentation of data: graphical presentation of data, details of different types of graphs and charts with their relative merits and dements, the concept of explorative data analysis, stem-and-leaf plots, schematic plots, extremes and median, hinges, outliers, and 5-number summaries.

Characteristics of statistical data: measures of location, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis and their properties, moments box -and- whiskers plots, Crimean, trimmed mean, interpretation of data with these measures.

Correlation analysis: bivariate data, scatter diagram, simple correlation, rank correlation, correlation ratio, multiple and partial correlations, intraclass and biserial correlation.

Regression analysis: basic concept of regression, regression model, estimation of parameters (OLS method) in the regression model, properties of estimators, interpreting the constants, some ideas of polynomial regression, 3-variable regression, estimation of parameters, standard error, and other properties.

Association of attributes: concepts of independence, association, and disassociation, contingency table, the measure of association for nominal and data in contingency tables, partial association: different forms of correlation table.


Book: 1) Statistics for Business and Economics, Paul Newbold, William Carlson, Betty Thorne.


Course Code: 510220Marks: 37.5Credits: 1.5 Class Hours: 45
Course Title :Digital Systems and VHDL Lab 


Objectives: Laboratory assignments range from the investigation of the properties of basic logic gates and flip-flops to the design of combinational and sequential circuits. Students experience the designing, implementation, testing, and troubleshooting of digital/logic circuits using small and medium-scale integrated circuits devices. Computer-Aided Design tools and hardware description programming language (VHDL) are used for design, simulation, and verification.


Course Code:  510222Marks: 37.5Credits: 1.5Class Hours: 45
Course Title :Electrical & Electronic Circuit Lab      


Objectives: Laboratory classes are based on EEE-1222. The students will gain knowledge about single-stage amplifiers, regulated power supplies, etc. Several experiments will be performed with the operational amplifiers. The students will be introduced to differentiators, integrators, comparators, etc. The students will construct and test the different passive and active filter circuits.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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