NU Syllabus 2022 – Honours 1st Year Geography and Environment Syllabus PDF Download

NU Syllabus 2022 – Honours 1st Year Geography and Environment Subject Syllabus PDF Download. NU Syllabus 2022 – Honours 1st Year PDF Download All Subjects. NU Syllabus – National University of Bangladesh all subject honours 1st year. National University Bangladesh all course and subject list name. Nu honours syllabus 2022 published by national University from 2013-14 effective session.

First Year Syllabus, Department of Geography and Environment, Four Year B.Sc. Honours (Integrated) Course, Effective from the Session : 2013-2014


Subject: Geography and Environment, Syllabus for Four Year B.Sc. Honours Course
Effective from the Session: 2013-2014.

Year wise Paper, Marks and Credit distribution


Paper CodePaper TitleMarksCredits
213201Introduction to Geography and Environment753
213203Introduction to Physical Geography753
213205Introduction to Human Geography753
211501History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh1004
 Group A (Any Two)  

Chemistry Practical

213709Fundamentals of Mathematics



Botany-I Practical


Zoology Practical – I

213607Introduction to Statistics

Statistics Practical-I

 Group B (Any Three)  



Introductory Sociology


Introduction to Social Work

211909Introduction to Political Theory1004
213905Introduction to Psychology1004
212209Principles of Economics1004
  Total =70028


Paper Code:213201Marks: 75Credits: 3       Class Hours: 45
Paper Title: Introduction to Geography and Environment


  1. Geography as a Discipline as Science, Earth Science and Social Science: Definition, Concepts, Scope and Branches.
  2. Physical and Human basis of Geography: Relation of Geography with other Disciplines.
  3. A Brief History of the Development of Geographical Knowledge and Concepts: Ancient

Geography-Greek and Roman Period; Geography in the Middle Ages-Muslim Period; Renaissance

and Modern Geography; Contemporary Geography.

  1. Major Views in Contemporary Geography: Regional View, Ecological View, Spatial Organization View, Earth Science View, Behavioral View.
  2. The Concept of Region and Regional Approach to Geography.
  3. Environment: Meaning, Structure, Types and Components of Environment; Geography and Environment; Environment and Society.
  4. Man-environment Relationships: Determinism, Possibilism and Neo-possibilism
  5. Tools and Techniques in Geography: Maps, Scales, Models, and GIS.
  6. The Shape and the Basic Dimensions of the Earth: Rotation and Revolution of the Earth and their Effects; Determining Location on the Earth Surface.

Selected Readings:

James, Preston E. All Possible Worlds: History of Geographical Ideas

Chorley, R. and Peter Haggett (ed.) Models in Geography

Hartshome, R.The Nature of Geography.

Unwin, Tim. 1992. The Place of Geography, Longman, New York.

Singh, Savindra, 1991, Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad, India. Ahmed, Nafis. Muslim Contributions to Geography

Saxena, H.M. 1999. Environmental Geography, Rawat Publications, New Delhi.

De Blij, H.J. and Muller, Peter O. 2004. Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts, 11th edn. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Bharucha, Erach. 2005. Textbook of Environmental Studies, University Press Pvt. Ltd. India. Haggett, P. Geography : A Modern Synthesis.

Harvey, David. Explanation in Geography.

Islam, M. Aminul 2006. Bhugoler Dristibhangi o Dashan: Samakalin Probonata.

Bangladesh Geographical Society, Dhaka.

Encyclopaedia Britanica ,Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences

Murphy, Rhodes. An Introduction to Geography



Paper Code:213203Marks: 75Credits: 3       Class Hours: 45
Paper Title: Introduction to Physical Geography
  1. Physical Geography: Nature, Scope and Relation with Other Disciplines of Natural Sciences.
  2. Historical Development of Physical Geography
  3. Solar System: Theories of Origin, Devolvement and Expansion.
  4. Origin of the Earth-different hypothesis: Earth’s Development, Geological Time-scale.
  5. Lithosphere: Earth’s Crust and Interior, Rocks and Minerals, Weathering and Erosion, Seismology,

Isostasy, Earth’s Movements-endogenic and exogenic, Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics, Agents

of Sculpture (river, glacier wind wave)

  1. Atmosphere: Composition of Atmosphere, Elements of Weather and Climate, Temperature, Pressure, Wind Systems and Humidity.
  2. Hydrosphere: Global Distribution of Water; Ocean Shape, Size and Volume; Hydraulic Cycle; Movement, Causes and Effects of Ocean Current.
  3. Biosphere: Distribution of Plant and Animals and their Related Factors.


Selected Readings:

James, P.E., A Geography of Man, Blaisdall Publishing Company.

Robinson, H., Physical Geography, Mac Donald & Evans, Thron‑

bury, W,D., Principles of Geomorphology, John Wile,London.

Holmes, A. Principles of Physical Geology.

Cook, Ian et al. Geography in Focus, CPL (Causeway Press). For all Paper

Wadia, D.N., Geology of India, Macmillan & Co. London.

Singh, Savindra, 1999, Physical Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad, India. Lake, P. Physical Geography, Macmillan’s & Co., Calcutta.

Monkhouse, F.J. The Principles of Physical Geography, University of London Press, London.



Paper Code:213205Marks: 75Credits: 3       Class Hours: 45
Paper Title: Introduction to Human Geography
  1. Human Geography: Definition, Concepts, Contents and Scope.
  2. Branches or Components of Human Geography.
  3. Historical Development of Human Geography.
  4. Approaches to the Study of Human Geography.
  5. Human Occupancy of the Earth and Man-Environment Relationships.
  6. Human Population: Size, Structure, Composition, Distribution and Change; Dynamics of Population-fertility, mortality and migration; Population Growth and Projection; Population as Resources.
  7. Economic Activities of the People: Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary.
  8. Transport and Trade: Major Modes of Transport, International Trade and Trade Routes
  9. Human Settlements: Classification, Hierarchy, Forms and Pattern.
  10. Society and Culture: Social Stratification, Cultural Elements.

Selected Readings:

Emrys, Jones. 1995: Human Geography, Chatto and Windus, London

Chapman, Keith. 1988: People Pattern and Process: An Introduction to Human Geography,

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Cook, Ian et al. Geography in Focus, CPL (Causeway Press). For all Paper Brock, J.O. M. & Webb. A, : Geography of Mankind, New York. Chisholm, M. 1975. Human Geography: Evolution or Revolution, Harmonds Worth, Penguin Books.

Barnes, Trevor and Gregory, Derek edt. 1997. Reading Human Geography: The Poetics and Politics of Inquiry, Arnold, London.

James, P.E. and Martin, G.J. 1981. All Possible Worlds: A History of Geographical Ideas, 2nd edn. New York, John Wiley.

Tidswell, V. 1976. Patterns and Process in Human Geography, University Tutorial Press, London.

Chorley, R.J. and Haggett, P. eds. 1967. Models in Geography, London, Methuen.

Hortshorn, T. A. and J. W. Alexander, J.W. 1988: Economic Geography, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi


Bradford, M.G. & Kent, W.A. 1987: Human Geography, Oxford University Press, U.K. Norton, W. 1988: Human Geography, Oxford University Press, Canada.

Islam, M.A. 1992: Bhugol: Dristibhongi O Dorshan. Department of Geography, Dhaka University ( in Bangla).

Rashid, K.B.S. Shangskritic Bhugol: Bangla Academi, Dhaka ( in Bangla).

Johnston, R. J. et al., edt. 2000. The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th edn. Blackwell Publishing.



Paper Code:213206Marks: 75Credits: 3       Class Hours: 45
Paper Title: Practical-I


(Exam: 50, Lab Notebook: 10, Lab Viva-voce: 5 and Field Report: 10-One Day-long fieldwork)


  1. Section I: Cartography (Marks 20)

1.1. Definition and Use of Cartography 1.2. Map: Definition, Elements and Importance of Map, Classifications of Maps and their Uses. 1.3. Study of World Physical, Political, Regional and Economic Maps.

1.4. Scales: Definition, Representation of Scale, Importance, Classification and there Uses. Draw three from each of the class especially Simple, Diagonal, Comparative, Time, Pace and Unit of Scales.

1.5. Measurement of Latitudes, Longitudes and Bearings.

1.6. Map, Enlargement, Reduction and Combination.

1.7. Measurement of Area and Distance.

  1. Section II: Application of Cartographic Techniques on Various Statistical Data (Marks 20) 1 Line Graph, Bar Graph, Climographs.

2.2 Simple and Compound Bar Graph.

2.3 Log and Semi-log Graph.

2.4 Age-sex Pyramid.

2.5 Pie-Diagram.

2.6 Methods of Drawing Distribution Maps (Choropleth, Isopleth and Dot Methods; Proportional Squares).

  1. Section III: Identification of Rocks and Minerals (Marks 10)

3.1. Definition, Classification and Comparison of Rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic) and Minerals.

3.2. Hardness Scale.

3.3. Physical Identification of Various Types of Rocks and Minerals.


Selected Readings:

Shingh, R.I. 1998: Elements of Practical Geography, India.

Keats, J.S. 1985: Cartography, Longman, London.

John, Campbell 1999. Map Use and Analysis, Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

Monkhouse, F.J. and Wikinson, F.J. 1976: Maps and Diagrams, Harper & Row Publishers, USA. Robinson, A.H Elements of Cartography, New York, John Willy and sons.


Paper Code211501Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh


¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm


f~wgKv: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm-cwiwa I cwiwPwZ


1|    ‡`k I Rb‡Mvwôi cwiPq

  1. K) f~ cÖK…wZi ˆewkó¨ I cÖfve
  2. L) b„ZvwË¡K MVb
  3. M) fvlv
  4. N) ms¯‹…wZi mgš^qevw`Zv I ag©xq mnbkxjZv
  5. O) Awfbœ evsjvi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ZrKvjxb c~e©e½ I eZ©gvb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^Kxq mËv


2|    ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi cÖqvm I Dcgnv‡`‡ki wefw³, 1947

  1. K) Jcwb‡ewkK kvmb Avg‡j mv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi D™¢e I we¯—vi
  2. L) jv‡nvi cÖ¯—ve, 1940
  3. M) ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi D‡`¨vM, 1947 I cwiYwZ
  4. N) cvwK¯—vb m„wó, 1947


3|    cvwK¯—vb: ivóªxq KvVv‡gv I ˆelg¨

  1. K) †K›`ªxq I cÖv‡`wkK KvVv‡gv
  2. L) mvgwiK I †emvgwiK AvgjvZ‡š¿i cÖfve
  3. M) A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆelg¨


4|    fvlv Av‡›`vjb I evOvwji AvZ¥cwiPq cÖwZôv

  1. K) gymwjg jx‡Mi kvmb I MYZvwš¿K ivRbxwZi msMÖvg
  2. L) AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cÖwZôv, 1949
  3. M) fvlv Av‡›`vjb: cUf~wg I NUbv cÖevn
  4. N) nK-fvmvbx-†mvnivIqv`©xi hy³d«›U, 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb I cwiYwZ


5|    mvgwiK kvmb: AvBqye Lvb I Bqvwnqv  Lv‡bi kvmbvgj (1958-71)

  1. K) mvgwiK kvm‡bi msÁv I ˆewkó¨
  2. L) AvBqye Lv‡bi ¶gZv `Lj I kvm‡bi ˆewkó¨ (ivR‰bwZK wbcxob, †gŠwjK MYZš¿, a‡g©i

ivR‰bwZK e¨envi)

  1. M) AvBqye Lv‡bi cZb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmb, GK BDwbU wejywßKiY, mve©Rbxb †fvUvwaKvi, GjGdI (Legal Framework Order)


6|    RvZxqZvev‡`i weKvk I ¯^vwaKvi Av‡›`vjb

  1. K) mvs¯‹…wZK AvMÖvm‡bi wei“‡× cÖwZ‡iva I evOvwj ms¯‹…wZi D¾xeb
  2. L) †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 6-`dv Av‡›`vjb
  3. M) 6-`dv Av‡›`vj‡bi cÖwZwµqv, ¸i“Z¡ I Zvrch©
  4. N) AvMiZjv gvgjv, 1968


7|    1969-Gi MYAfy¨Ìvb I 11-`dv Av‡›`vjb

  1. K) cUf~wg
  2. L) Av‡›`vj‡bi Kg©m~Px, ¸i“Z¡ I cwiYwZ


8|    1970 Gi wbe©vPb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb I e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv

  1. K) wbe©vP‡bi djvdj Ges Zv †g‡b wb‡Z †K‡›`ªi A¯^xK…wZ
  2. L) Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb, e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY, Acv‡ikb mvP©jvBU
  3. M) e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv I †MÖdZvi


9|    gyw³hy× 1971

  1. K)  MYnZ¨v, bvix wbh©vZb, kiYv_©x
  2. L) evsjv‡`k miKvi MVb I ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ
  3. M) ¯^Z:ù‚Z© cÖv_wgK cÖwZ‡iva I msMwVZ cÖwZ‡iva (gyw³‡dŠR, gyw³evwnbx, †Mwijv I m¤§yL hy×)
  4. N) gyw³hy‡× cÖPvi gva¨g (¯^vaxb evsjv †eZvi †K›`ª, we‡`kx cÖPvi gva¨g I RbgZ MVb)
  5. O) QvÎ, bvix I mvaviY gvby‡li Ae`vb (MYhy×)
  6. P) gyw³hy‡× e„nrkw³ mg~‡ni f~wgKv
  7. Q) `Lj`vi evwnbx, kvwš—KwgwU, Avje`i, Avjkvgm, ivRvKvi evwnbx, ivR‰bwZK `j I †`kxq

Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMx‡`i ¯^vaxbZvwe‡ivax Kg©KvÛ I eyw×Rxex nZ¨v

  1. R) cvwK¯Ív‡b ew›` Ae¯’vq e½eÜzi wePvi I wek¦cÖwZwµqv
  2. S) cÖevmx evOvwj I we‡k¦i wewfbœ †`‡ki bvMwiK mgv‡Ri f~wgKv
  3. T) gyw³hy‡× fvi‡Zi Ae`vb
  4. U) †hŠ_ evwnbx MVb I weRq
  5. V) ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡g e½eÜzi †bZ…Z¡


10| e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi kvmbKvj, 1972-1975

  1. K) ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b
  2. L) msweavb cÖYqb
  3. M) hy× weaŸ¯— †`k cybM©Vb
  4. N) mcwiev‡i e½eÜz nZ¨v I Av`wk©K cUcwieZ©b



History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh


Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh.

Writing on this topic.


  1. Description of the country and its people.
  2. Geographical features and their influence.
  3. Ethnic composition.
  4. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance.
  5. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bangladesh.


  1. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947.
  2. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule, Lahore Resolution
  3. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for undivided Bengal : consequences
  4. The creation of Pakistan 1947 .


  1. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity.
  2. Central and provincial structure.
  3. Influence of Military and Civil bureaucracy.

C .   Economic , social and cultural disparity


  1. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity
  2. Misrule by Muslim League and Struggle for democratic  politics .
  3. The Language Movement: context and phases .
  4. United front of Haque – Vasani – Suhrawardi: election of 1954, consequences.


  1. Military rule: the regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan (1958-1971)
  2. Definition of military rules and its characteristics.
  3. Ayub Khan’s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic democracy,            Islamisation)
  4. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan’s rule (Abolition of one unit, universal suffrage, the Legal Framework Order)


  1. Rise of nationalism and the Movement   for   self determination .
  2. Resistance against cultura l aggression   and resurgence   of Bengali culture.
  3. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the six point movement
  4. Reactions : Importance and significance

d . The Agortola Case  1968.


  1. The mass- upsurge of 1969 and 11 point movement: background,programme and significance.


  1. Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu
  2. Election result and centres refusal to comply
  3. The non co-operation movement, the 7th March , Address , Operation Searchlight
  4. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest


  1. The war of Liberation 1971
  2. Genocide, repression of women, refugees
  3. Formation of Bangladesh government and proclamation of Independence
  4. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti Fouz, Mukti Bahini, guerillas and the frontal  warfare )
  5. Publicity Campaign in the war of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the Campaigns abroad and formation of public opinion )
  6. Contribution of students, women and the masses (Peoples war)
  7. The role of super powers and the Muslim states in the Liberation war.
  8. The Anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al-Badar, Al-Shams, Rajakars, pro Pakistan political parties and Pakistani Collaborators , killing of the intellectuals.
  9. Trial of  Bangabondhu and  reaction of the World Community.
  10. The contribution of India in the Liberation War
  11. Formation of joint command and the Victory
  12. The overall contribution of Bangabondhu in the Independence struggle.


  1. The Bangabondhu Regime 1972-1975
  2. Homecoming
  3. Making of the constitution
  4. Reconstruction of the war ravaged country
  5. The murder of Bangabondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around.




mnvqK MÖš’

  1. bxnvi iÄb ivq, evOvjxi BwZnvm, †`Õ R cvewjwks, KjKvZv 1402 mvj|
  2. mvjvn& DwÏb Avn‡g` I Ab¨vb¨ (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³ msMÖv‡gi BwZnvm 1947-1971, AvMvgx cÖKvkbx, XvKv 2002|
  3. wmivRyj Bmjvg (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm 1704-1971, 3 LÛ, GwkqvwUK †mvmvBwU Ae evsjv‡`k, XvKv 1992|
  4. W. nvi“b-Ai-iwk`, evsjv‡`k: ivRbxwZ, miKvi I kvmbZvwš¿K Dbœqb 1757-2000, wbD GR cvewj‡KkÝ, XvKv 2001|
  5. W. nvi“b-Ai-iwk`, evOvwji ivóªwPš—v I ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Af~¨`q, AvMvgx cÖKvkbx, XvKv 2003|
  6. W. nvi“b-Ai-iwk`, e½eÜzi Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx cybcv©V, w` BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wjwg‡UW, XvKv 2013|
  7. W. AvZdzj nvB wkejx I W.†gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki mvsweavwbK BwZnvm 1773-1972, m~eY© cÖKvkb, XvKv 2013|
  8. gybZvwmi gvgyb I RqšÍ Kzgvi ivq, evsjv‡`‡ki wmwfj mgvR cÖwZôvi msMÖvg, Aemi, XvKv 2006|
  9. AvwZDi ingvb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vj‡bi w`b¸wj: gyw³hy‡×i cÖ¯‘wZ ce©, mvwnZ¨ cÖKvk, XvKv 1998|
  10. W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, 1905-47, Zvgªwjwc, XvKv 2011|
  11. W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, 1947-1971, mgq cÖKvkb, XvKv 2012|
  12. ‰mq` Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb, evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× civkw³i f~wgKv, Wvbv cÖKvkbx, XvKv 1982|
  13. Aveyj gvj Ave`yj gywnZ, evsjv‡`k: RvwZiv‡óªi D™¢e, mvwnZ¨ cÖKvk, XvKv 2000|
  14. ‡kL gywReyi ingvb, Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx, w` BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wjwg‡UW, XvKv 2012|
  15. wmivR D`&`xb Avn‡g`, GKvˇii gyw³hy×: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Af~¨`q, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv 2011|
  16. RqšÍ Kzgvi ivq, evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‰bwZK BwZnvm, myeY© cÖKvkb, XvKv 2010|
  17. Harun-or-Roshid, The Foreshadowing of Bangladesh: Bengal Muslim League and Muslim Politics, 1906-1947, The University Press Limited, Dhaka 2012.
  18. Rounaq Jahan, Pakistan: Failure in National Integration, The University Press Limited, Dhaka 1977.
  19. Talukder Maniruzzaman, Radical Politics and the Emergence of Bangladesh, Mowla, Brothers, Dhaka 2003.
  20.  ‡gmevn Kvgvj I Ckvbx PµeZx©, bv‡Pv‡ji K…lK we‡`ªvn, mgKvjxb ivRbxwZ I Bjv wgÎ, DËiY, XvKv 2008|
  1. ‡gmevn Kvgvj, Avmv` I Ebmˇii MYAfy¨Ìvb, weeZ©b, XvKv 1986|



Paper Code212807Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Chemistry-I
  1. Measurements and the Scientific Method: Measurements, units, SI units, reliability of measurements – precision and accuracy, rounding off, significant figures, significant figures in calculation, mean and median, errors, sources of errors.
  2. Structure of atom: Atom, isotopes, Atomic masses, Mass spectroscopy, Atomic nucleus, Nuclear binding energy, Nuclear reactions –fission and Fusion reactions, Bohr atom model, Spectrum of atomic hydrogen, Dual nature of electron, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Quantum numbers, Atomic orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Electronic configuration of atoms.
  3. Periodic Table: Periodic law, Periodic table, Electronic configurations from the periodic table, Periodic properties of the elements such as ionization energies, Electron affinity, Electro negativity, Atomic/ionic radius along a period and down a group, Diagonal relationship
  4. Chemical Bonds: Chemical bond, Types of chemical bonds – ionic, Covalent coordination, Metallic, Hydrogen, Polar and no polar covalent bonds, Lewis dot structure, Shapes of molecules, VSEPR theory, Valence bond theory, Hybridization, ó- and ð-bonding in compounds, Molecular orbital theory.
  5. Oxidation and reduction: Redox reactions, Writing and balancing Redox reactions,
  6. States of Matter: Comparison between solids, Liquids and gases, Changes of state, m.p. and b.p, phase transition, Phase diagram of water.
  7. Gaseous and Their Properties: The gas laws , The perfect gas equation, The kietic theory of gases, Van der waals equations, Real gases, Graham’s laws of diffusion and Effusion.
  8. Solutions: Solubility and intermolecular forces, Solubility product, Types of concentration units, Colligative properties of solutions, Henry’s law, Nernst distribution law.
  9. Acids and Bases: Various concepts on acids and bases, Conjugate acids and bases, Neutralization reactions acid- base strength, pH, Acid-base titrations, Acid-base indicatiors, Acid-base properties of salts, The common ion effect, Buffer solutions, Hard and soft acids and bases.
  10. Chemical Equilibrium: Reversible reactions and the equilibrium state, The equilibrium law, Reaction quotients and equilibrium constants, Calculations using Kc, Kp, Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, The principle of Le Chatelier and Brown.
  11. Hydrocarbons: Hydrocarbons, Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, Alkanes, Alkenes, And Alkynes, Nomenclature of organic compounds-the IUPAC system natural gas, Petroleum, Petrochemicals.
  12. Study of different classes of organic Compounds: Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amines and Amides.

Selected Readings:

  1. General Chemistry, D. D. Ebbing, Houghton Miffin Co.
  2. Chemistry – The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, M. Siberberg. WCB /Mc Graw- Hill.
  3. Introduction to Modern Inogranic Chemistry, S.Z. haider, Friends’ International.
  4. Principles of physical chemistry, M. M. Huque and M. A Nawab, students’ publications.
  5. Essentials of Physical chemistry, B.S Bahl, G.D Tuli and A Bahl, S. Chand & Co.Ltd.
  6. Advanced Organic Chemistry, B.S. Bahl and A Bahl, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
  7. A Level chemistry by C.W. Ramsden
  8. Organic Chemistry: T Morrison and R.N Boyed,
  9. Fundamental of Organic Chemistry by W Solomons


Paper Code212808Marks: 50Credits: 2       Class Hours: 30
Paper Title:Chemistry Practical-I


  1. Preparation of FeSO4 7H2O, Mohr’s salt and potash alum.
  2. Separation and identification of four radicals from a mixture of anions and cations The cations are

pb 2+ , cu 2+ , Cd 2+ , Al 3+ , Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ , Co 2+ , Ni2+ , Zn 2+ Ca 2+ , Ba 2+ , Na + , K + , and NH4 + , the anions are NO3, CO32-, S2-, SO42-, Cl , Br and I+

  1. Standardization of NaOH solution using standard oxalic acid solution,
  2. Determination of Fe2+ using standard permanganate solution 5.

Iodometric determination of copper(II) using standard Na2SO3 solution.

  1. Gravimetric determination of nickel as Ni(HDMG)2 complex 7.

Determination of the enthalpy change for the decomposition sodium dicarbonate into sodium carbonate.

  1. Determination of the pH- neutralization curves of a strong acid by a strong base.
  2. Investigation of the conductance behaviour of electrolytic solution and applications (acetic acid)
  3. Determination of the presence of nitrogen, halogen and sulphur in organic compounds.
  4. Identification of the functional groups (unsaturation, alcohol, phenol, carbonyl, aldehlyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, aromatic amine, amide and nitro- groups) in organic compound.

Selected Readings

  1. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, A.I. Vogel, 3rd/4th edition, ELBS and Longman Green & Co. Ltd.
  2. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, A.I. Vogel 3rd /4th edition, ELBS and Longman Green & Co. Ltd.
  3. Practical physical chemistry, A Faraday.
  4. A Text Book of practical organic chemistry, A.I. vogel, ELBS edition.




Paper Code213709Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title:Fundamentals of Mathematics
  1. Real Number System: Field and order properties, Natural numbers, Integers and rational numbers, Absolute value and their properties, Basic inequalities.
  2. Complex Number System: Field of Complex numbers, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications.
  3. Theory of Equations: Relations between roots and coefficients, Symmetric functions of roots, Sum of the powers of roots, Synthetic division, Des Cartes’ rule of signs, Multiplicity of roots, Transformation of equations.
  4. Matrices and Determinants:, Notion of matrix. Types of matrices. Algebra of matrices. Determinant function and its properties. Minors, Cofactors, expansion and evaluation of determinants. Elementary row and column operations and row-reduced echelon matrices. Invertible matrices. Diagonal, triangular and symmetric matrices.
  5. System of Linear Equations: System of linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous ) and their solutions. Gaussian elimination, Application of matrices and determinants for solving system of linear equations. Applications of system of equations in real life problems.
  6. Vector Spaces: : Euclidean n-space. Real vector spaces. Subspaces. Linear combination of vectors. Linear transformation. Kernel and image. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  7. Two-dimensional Geometry: Transformation of coordinates, Pair of straight lines (homogeneous second degree equations, general second degree equations representing pair of straight lines, angle between pair of straight lines, bisectors of angle between pair of straight lines), General equations of second degree (reduction to standard forms, identifications, properties and tracing of conics).
  8. Three-dimensional Geometry: Three-dimensional coordinates, Distance, Direction cosines and direction ratios. Planes and straight lines. Vectors in plane and space. Algebra of vectors. Scalar and vector product. Vector equations of straight lines and planes.


Selected Readings


  1. Bernard & J M Child- Higher algebra.
  2. Howard Anton & Chris Rorres – Elementary Linear Algebra with Application.
  3. Khosh Mohammad- Analytic Geometry and Vector Analysis.
  4. Abdur Rahman – Linear Algebra



Paper Code213711Marks: 50Credits: 2       Class Hours: 30
Paper Title: Calculus-I

Functions & their graphs : Polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions & their inverses, hyperbolic functions & their inverses, combinations of such functions.

Limit and Continuity: Definitions and basic theorems on limit and continuity. Limit at infinity & infinite limits, Computation of limits.

Differentiation: Tangent lines and rates of change. Definition of derivative. One-sided derivatives. Rules of differentiation . Successive differentiation. Leibnitz’s theorem. Related rates. Linear approximations and differentials.

Applications of Differentiation: Mean value theorem. Maximum and minimum values of functions. Concavity and points of inflection. Optimization problems.

Integration: Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals. Techniques of integration. Definite integration using antiderivatives. Fundamental theorems of calculus. Basic properties of integration. Integration by reduction.

Applications of Integration: Arc length. Plane areas. Surfaces of revolution. Volumes of solids of revolution. Volumes by cylindrical shells. Volumes by cross sections.

Approximation and Series: Taylor polynomials and series. Convergence of series. Taylor’s series. Taylor’s theorem and remainders. Differentiation and integration of series.


Books Recommended:

  1. Howard Anton -Calculus (7th and forward editions)
  2. E.W. Swokowski – Calculus with Analytic Geometry.
  3. Md. A Matin & B Chakraboty, – Diferential Calculus.



Paper Code 213007Marks: 100Credits: 4Class Hours:60
Paper Title:Botany-I


  1. Introduction: Origin and evolution of life; differences between plants and animals; modern concepts of classification of living organisms.
  2. Microbiology:
  3. a)   Introduction to Viroids, Prions, Rickettsia and Mycoplasms.
  4. Virus: Physical and chemical nature of phage, plant and animal viruses, multiplication of HIV virus and economic importance.
  5. Bacteria: Types, fine structure, reproduction and importance.
  6. Fungi: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to class (Alexopoulos), reproduction, importance, life history of
  7. Cyanobacteria: Habitat, characteristics, structure, importance of Cyanobacteria .
  8. Algae: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to class (Fritsch), reproduction, importance; life history of
  9. Phytoplankton: Habitat, characteristics, classification and importance.


  1. Lichen: Habitat, characteristics, classification and importance.
  2. Limnology: Definition, scope, importance and classification of lakes.
  3. Bryophyta: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to classes and reproduction; life history of Riccia and
  4. Pteridophyta: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to classes, importance; life history of Selaginella and
  5. Gymnosperms: Habitat, characteristics and importance; life history of Cycas and
  6. Angiosperms: Habitat, characteristics, ICBN, classification systems of plant kingdom. (Artificial, natural & phylogenetic). Identifying characters and economic importance of the following families: (a) Fabaceae, (b) Solanaceae and (c) Malvaceae and (d) Poaceae.
  7. Plant Pathology: Concept of diseases in plants, causes, diagnosis, classification and importance of plant diseases, symtomatology and control measures; forecasting of plant diseases.

Causal organisms, symptoms and control measures of brown spot of rice, stem rot of jute, citrus canker and tungro disease of rice.

  1. Economic Botany: Local and scientific names, parts used and importance of at least 8 prominent plants of each of the following groups: (a) Food, (b) medicine, (c) timber, (d) fibre, (e) oil and (f) vegetables. Cultivation and processing of tea and rubber.

Books Recommended:

  1.Agrios, G.N. 1997                    :Plant Pathology (4th ed.). Academic Press, London.
2.Bold, H.C. and 
 M.J. Wynne. 1978                    :Introduction to the Algae, Prentice Hall, India
3.Hawker, Lilian, E. 1967            :Fungi, Hutchinson Univ. Library, Cambridge Univ. Press,
4.Lawrence, G.H.M. 1951           :Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. The Macmillan Co. New York.
5.Pelczer, M.J., E.C.S. Chan                                                   :Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill Book
 Co. and N.R. Krieg. 1993Inc. New York.
6.Vashista, P.C. 1993                  :Botany for Degree Students: Pteridophyta. S.C. Chand & Co.
  Ltd. Ramnagar, New Delhi.
7.Mukherji, H. and Ganguly, 2000:Plant Groups, Centrl Book Agency, Calcutta.
8.Hill,F.A. 1972.                          :Economic Botany, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishin Company,
9.ivq, k¨vgj Kzgvi, cvj, wbkx_ Kzgvi :Acy®úK Dw™¢`weÁvb (1g I 2q LÛ), evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|
    cvkv, †gv¯—dv Kvgvj, 1995 
10.   Lvb, AvRgvR` Avjx Ges

ZwiKzj Bmjvg                             :

mœvZK Dw™¢` weÁvb 1g, 2q I 3q LÛ|
11. L›`Kvi gwbi“¾vgvb, 1994 
12. evmvi, Gg. G., Gg.G. nvmvb Ges

g. iwdKzj Bmjvg. 2004

wjg‡bvjRx, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cÖKvkbv, XvKv|
13. nvmvb, Gg. G. GesDw™¢` weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, evsjv evRvi, XvKv|
Gg. †K. Avjg. 1997Dw™¢` †kªYx web¨vm ZË¡ (3q ms¯‹iY), nvmvb eyK nvDm, XvKv|
14. LvZzb, iv‡eqv, 2002


Dw™¢`  †kªYxweb¨vm, BD‡iKv eyK G‡RwÝ, ivRkvnx



Paper Code 213008Marks: 50Credits: 2Class Hours:30
Paper Title:Botany-I Practical


  1. Detail study including dissection (where necessary), mounting, drawing, description and identification with classification of the following genera:                 10

Cyanobacteria    : Nostoc, anabaena

Algae               : Saccnaromyces and Accoboius

Bryophyte          : Riccia and Marchantia

Pteridophyte     : Selaginella, Christella

Gymnosperms   :  Cycas

Angiosperm       : Poaceae and Fabaceae

  1. Identification of the following genera with reasons:           06


Algae                                       Volvox, Polysiphonea and Fucas.

Fungi                                        Rhizopus, A garicus, Puccinia and Penicillium.

Lichen                                      Crustose, Foliose and Fructose.

Bryophyte                                 Anthoceros, Semibarbula.

Pteridophyte                             Selaginella, Marsilea, Azolla and Pteris

Gymnosperms                            Male and female cones of Cycas,

Angiosperms                            Scientific names of common plants around the institution.


  1. Find out algal specimens from local fresh water sample; draw and describe…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 05
  2. Study of the symptoms and causal organisms of Brown spot of rice and stem rot of Jute.

. 05

  1. Detailed taxonomic study of the families as included in the theory syllabus.

. 08

  1. Study of plant and plant parts, and economic uses of angiosperms included in the syllabus.

. 06

  1. Preparation of herbarium specimens of local plants and submission during examination.

. 05

  1. Laboratory Note book. 05

Books Recommended:


  1. Agrios, G.N 1997 : Plant Pathology (4th ed.). Academic Press, London.
  2. Bold, H.C. and M.J.Wynne. 1978 : Introduction to the Algae, Prentice Hall, India
  3. Devlin, M.R. and H.F. Witham.1986 : Plant Physiology (4th ed.). CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
  4. Esau,K.1953 : Plant Anatomy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
  5. Goodwin, T.W. and E.I. Mereer. : Introduction to Plant Biochemistry (2nd ed.). Pergamon   Press.
  6. Hawker, Lillin,E. 1967 : Fungi, Hutchinson Univ. Library, Cambridge Univ. Press,   London.
  7. Kumar, H.D. 1995 : General Ecology, Vikash Pub. House, India.
  8. Lawrence, G.H.M. 1995 : Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. The Macmillan Co. New    York.
  9. Pelczer, M.J., E.C.S. Chan and

N.R. Krieg.1993                                   : Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill                                                     Book Co. Inc. New York.

  1. Vashista, P.C. 1993 : Botany for Degree Students: Pteridophyta. S.C. Chand &   Co. Ltd. Ramnagar, New Delhi.
  2. cvkv, †gv¯—dv Kvgvj

ivq, k¨vgj Kzgvi, 1986                             : e¨envwiK Dw™¢`weÁvb, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|

  1. AvLZvi“¾vgvb, g. : eskMwZ we`¨v, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
  2. AvLZvi“¾vgvb, g. 2000 : eeZ©b ev`, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
  3. Bmjvg, G. Gm. 1984 : eskMwZ we`¨vi g~j K_v, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|
  4. Kg©Kvi, h`yjvj. 2000 : Dw™¢` kixi weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
  5. Lvb, AvgRv` Avjx Ges

ZwiKzj Bmjvg                                     : mœvZK Dw™¢` weÁvb 1g, 2q I 3q LÛ|

  1. L›`Kvi gwbi“¾vgvb, 1994 : wjg‡bvjRx, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cÖKvkbv, XvKv|
  2. Rvgvb, Gg. G. 1975 : †Kvlwe`¨v, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|


  1. evmvi, Gg. G., Gg.G. nvmvb Ges : : Dw™¢` weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, evsjv evRvi, XvKv|
  2. iwdKzj Bmjvg. 2004
  3. nvmvb, Gg. G. 1996 : evsjv‡`‡ki †flR Dw™¢`, Avkivwdqv eB Ni, evsjv evRvi, XvKv|


  1. nvmvb, Gg. G. Ges : Dw™¢` †kªYx web¨vm ZË¡ (3q ms¯‹iY), nvmvb eyK nvDm, XvKv|

Gg. †K. Avjg. 1997



Paper Code213105Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Zoology -I

Group-A: Introduction to Zoology: Protozoa and non-chordates

Introduction to Zoology: Definition and scope of zoology. Foundation of animal life: Level of organization (protoplasmic, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, species, individual, population, community, fauna, biota, ecosystem, biosphere, biodiversity. Cells: Cell and cell theory, structure and functions of cell organelles. Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis and oogenesis; placentation. Classification of animals: Animal kingdoms; classification up to phyla on the basis of organization, symmetry, coelom and phylogeny; different taxa and Linnean hierarchy and nomenclature.

Protozoa and non-chordates: General characteristics of the following protozoa and non-chordates phyla with examples – Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Gastrotricha, Nematomorpha, Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Priapulida, Supuncula, Pogonophora, Tardigrada, Onychophora, Phoronida, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa/Ectoprocta, Chaetognatha, Echinodermata, and Hemichordata.

General and diagnostic characteristics of the following phyla with examples – Sarcomastigophora, Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca.

Type study of the following with their systematic position, habitats, external morphology, organ systems such as digestion, movement, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous,

and reproduction; food and feeding habits, mode of life and development –

  1. Phylum Sarcomastigophora: Euglena
  2. Phylum Apicomplexa: Eimeria
  3. Phylum Ciliophora: Paramecium
  4. Phylum Porifera: Scypha
  5. Phylum Cnidaria: Obelia
  6. Phylum Nematoda: Ascaris
  7. Phylum Mollusca: Pila
  8. Phylum Arthropoda: Prawn
  9. Phylum Echinodermata: Astropecten
  10. Phylum Hemichordata:

Group-B: Human Physiology and Applied Zoology

Human Physiology: Outline of the physiology of digestion, blood circulation, respiration, excretion and reproduction; endocrine glands and their functions; vitamins and vitamin deficiency diseases.

Applied Zoology: Introduction to the major fields of applied zoology: Entomology, Fisheries Biology,

grains. Integrated fish farming: Types, poultry, livestock and paddy-cum-fish culture. Poultry farming: System of poultry farming, diseases of poultry and their control, economic importance of poultry and their impacts on socio-economic condition of Bangladesh.



Paper Code213106Marks: 50Credits: 2       Class Hours: 30
Paper Title: Zoology Practical-I
  1. Study of museum specimens: Representative of all major non-chordate phyla (minimum 20 specimens to be studied).
  2. Study of permanent slides: Whole mount, body parts and various cells and invertebrate tissues (at least 10 slides to be studied)
  3. Whole animals – representatives of protozoans, rotifers and arthropods.
  4. Mouth parts of arthropods.
  5. Parasites – nematodes and platyhelminths.
  6. Different larval forms of invertebrates.
  7. Histological slides of invertebrates.
  8. Preparation and study of whole mounts of different non-chordates.
  9. External morphology and dissection of various organ systems of earthworm, cockroach, prawn, Pila and Lamellidens.
  10. Digestive system of prawn, Pila and
  11. Circulatory system of earthworm and prawn.
  12. Nervous system of cockroach, grasshopper, prawn, Pila and
  13. Temporary mounting –
  14. Brain of earthworm.
  15. Salivary gland of cockroach.
  16. Statocyst of prawn.
  17. Study of appendages of prawn.
  18. Animal physiology –
  19. Estimation of blood pressure and pulse rate.
  20. Determination of blood group.
  21. Class records.

Distribution of Marks for First Year Final Examination

  1. Major dissection (dissection 8 + display 2 + drawing and labeling 3) = 13 marks.
  2. Spotting of museum specimens – 8 items (identification and classification 1 + diagnostic characteristics 1) = 16 marks.
  3. Invertebrate specimens (4 items) 2 × 4 = 8 marks.
  4. Whole mount slides (mouth parts, parasites, larvae) (2 items) 2 × 2 = 4 marks.
  5. Histological slides (2 items) 2 × 2 = 4 marks.
  1. Appendages (detachment, placement and drawing on a paper sheet 3, labeling 2, displaying 1) = 6 marks.
  1. Class records = 10 marks.

Books Recommended:

  1. C.P. Hickman and L.S Roberts. 1995. Animal Diversity Wm.C. Brown
  2. L.S. Dillon. 1976. Animal Variety: An Evolutionary Account: Wm C. brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iwoa.
  3. J.D. Bernal. 1969. The Origin of Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
  4. E.E. Ruppert and R.D. Barnes. 1994. Invertebrate Zoology (6th edition). Saunders College Publishing-harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York, London
  5. C.P. Hickman. Integrated Principles of Zoology, C.V. Morsby Co. Inc., New York A.J. Marshal and W.D. Williams. Text Book of Zoollogy Invertebrates, (edited the 7th edition of Text Book of Zoology, Vol. I,T.J. Parker and W.A. Haswell)
  6. N.J. Reigle. A Synoptic Introduction to the Animal Kingdom.
  7. E.O. Wilson, T, Eisner and W.R. Brigges, Life: Cells, Organisms Populations. C.C. Chatterjee Human Physiology Vols. I & II
  8. W.H. Davson . A Text Book of General Physiology
  9. G.L. Presser and P.A. Brown Comparative Animal Physiology
  10. B.I. balinsky. An Introduction of Embryology
  11. D. Dent. Insect Pest Management. Chapman and Hall, London.
  12. P. Southgalte and J. Lucas (eds), 1998. Aquaculture Fish and Shellfish Farming Fishing News.
  13. M. King. 1995. Fisheries Biology Assessment and Management. Blackwell Science.
  14. C.G. Scalet. L.D. Flake and D.W. Willis. 1996. Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries: An Integrated Approach. W.H. Freeman.
  15. TVR. Pillay. 1993. Aquaculture: Principles and Practices. Fishing News Books.
  16. L.P. Pedigo. Entomology and Pest Management.
  17. R.Wall and D. Shearer, 1997. Vetenerary Entomology. Chapman & Hall
  18. V.G. Jingran and R.S.V. Pull in 1985. A Hatchery Manual for the Common, Chinese and Indian Major Carps. ADB/ICLARM
  19. ‡gvt Avãyi iv¾vK wgqv| 2007| †cvjwUª e¨e¯’vcbv| evsjv GKv‡Wgx|
  20. ‡MŠZg ey× `vk| 2004| †cvjwUª Drcv`b| evsjv GKv‡Wgx|
  21. GBP. Gg. †gv¯—dv | 1994| Lvgv‡i nuvm-gyiMx cvjb I †ivM-e¨vwai wPwKrmv| evsjv GKv‡Wgx|



Paper Code213607Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Introduction to Statistics


  1. Descriptive Statistics: Statistics-Its nature and some important use, Qualitative and quantitative data, Classification, Tabulation and frequency distribution, Graphical      representation of data, Measure of location, Measures of Dispersion, Skewness and      Kurtosis, Mathmatical relationtionship among different measures of location, dispersion, Skewness and kurtosis.
  2. Bivariate Data: Correlation coefficient, Correlation analysis, The purpose and uses of regression analysis, Simple regression and methods of least squares and estimation of           parameters Correlation ratio, Rank correlation, Partial and multiple correlation.
  3. Elementary Probability: Meaning of probability, Classical and empirical definitions of Probability, Axiomatic approch of defining probability, Event, Sample space and simple problems of probability, Addition rule, Conditional probability, Multiplication rule and Bayes theorems, The concept of a random variables, Probability function and probability density      function, Joint probability function. Marginal and conditional distributions, Statistical          independence, Expected value and related theorems, Moment generating function, Common     probability distributions, Binomial, Poisson and Normal.
  4. Index Number: Concept of an index number and problems in the construction of index number, Types of indices (Price, Quantity, Value and cost of living indices) and their uses, Tests for index numbers.
  5. Time Series anlysis: Elements of time-series analysis, Measurement of trend by moving average, By least square method, Trend curve, Determination of seasonal indices, Cylical.
  6. Numerical Mathematics: Differences of a polynomial, Finite difference operator, Difference table, Newton’s formula and starling’s central difference formula, Inverse interpolation, Numerical integration.

Books Recommended:

  1. Yule and Kendall : Introduction to Theory of Statistics.
  2. Islam, M. Nurul. : An Introduction to Statistics and Probability.
  3. Jalil A. and Ferdous R.            : Basic Statistics.
  4. Mostafa M.G. : Methods of Statistics.
  5. David E.N. : Probability Theory for Statistical Methods.
  6. Weatherburn C.F. : A First Paper in Mathematical statistics.
  7. Mosteller, Roure and Thomas : Probability with Statistical Applications.
  8. Ali A. : Theory of Statistics Vol. I
  9. Mallick, A. : mvswLK MwbZ
  10. Freeman H. : Acturial, Mathematics Vols; I and II
  11. Scarborough : Numerical Mathematics.
  12. David F.N. : Probability theory for Statistical Methods.
  13. Shil R.N. : Introduction to Theory of Statistics.
  14. Feller, W : Introduction to Statistical Time Series (latest ed.).
  15. Gupta and Kapoor : Applied Statistics.



Paper Code213608Marks: 50Credits: 2       Class Hours: 30
Paper Title: Statistics Practical-I


Condensation and tabulation of data, Graphical representation of data, Frequency table, Measures of location, Dispersion, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, measures of correlation coefficient, Rank correlation, Fitting of simple regression lines, Fitting of Binomial, Normal and Poisson’s distributions, Finding trend values and seasonal variation from time series data by different methods, Calculation of Index numbers and test of index number, Use of Newton’s forward and backward formula, Solution of numerical integration.


Paper Code212009Marks : 100Credits : 4Class Hours : 60
Paper TitleIntroducing Sociology Exam Duration : 4 Hours
  1. Definition, Nature & Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social sciences. Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber
  1. Culture, Beliefs & Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture, counterculture, hegemony & resistance
  2. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, Cultural globalization, global culture and social change
  3. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, Process of urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth of slum & poverty in mega cities
  4. Gender and Society: DisPaper of WID, WAD and GAD, Why gender is important in the disPaper of development, Gender inequality & women’s subjugation in developing societies.
  1. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and its impact on society, Natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, Climate change, deforestation and mal-development.
  1. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: Class, gender, age, minority group (religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, Social inequalities in developed & developing countries.
  2. Types of societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control over economic resources and Lenski’s view on classifying societies by their main means of Subsistance.


  1. Deviance & Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance. Crime & justice system, agencies of social control.
  2. Health, Illness and Society: Nature & scope of the problem, Urbanizations, acute, chronic & life style diseases, Social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting health, Communicable & behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc



Giddens Sociology

Tony Bilton et al Introductory Sociology



Paper Code212111Marks : 100Credits : 4Class Hours : 60
Paper TitleIntroduction to Social WorkExam Duration : 4 Hours


  1. Social Work: Meaning, Characteristics, Scope and Importance Relationship of Social Work with other Sciences- Sociology, Economics, Psychology and Political Science.
  2. Evolution: Evolution of Social Work in UK, USA, India and Bangladesh.
  3. Social Reformers and their Movements in Pre-partition India and Bangladesh: Raja Rammohan Ray, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, A.K Fazlul Haque, Sir Syad Ahmed, Begum Rokeya.
  4. Social Legislations Related to Social Security, Women Welfare, Child Welfare.
  5. Profession and Social Work: Meaning and Characteristics of Profession, Social Work as profession, Philosophical, Religions and Ethical Basis of Social Work.
  6. Industrial Revolution: Meaning, Impact on Society, Industrialization, Urbanization, Welfare State.
  7. Social Problems and Social Services in Bangladesh.
  8. Methods of Social Work: Basic and Auxiliary Methods and their Basic Issues such as Meaning, Elements, Principles and Area of Use. Importance of Social Work Methods in Bangladesh.


Books Recommended:

  1. Barker, Robert L. :Social Work Dictionary, 3rd NASW, New York, 1995.
  2. Coulshed, Veronica Social Work Practice: An Introduction 2nd London. Macmillan, 1991.
  3. Friedlander, Walter A. : Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice Hall, 2nd New Delhi-1967.
  4. Khalid, M. : Welfare State, Karachi, Royal Book, 1968
  5. Morales, A. And Shaefor, B. Social Work – A Profession of many faces, 4th Allyan and Bacan, Boston, 1986.


Paper Code 211909Marks : 100Credits : 4Class Hours : 60
Paper TitleIntroduction to Political TheoryExam Duration : 4 Hours


Political Science : Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Sciences, Importance to Study Political Science.

State : Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society, Theories of the origin of the state.

Fundamental concepts : Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation, Nationalism, Internationalism.

Concepts of Political Sociology : Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and Bureaucracy

Political Thinkers : Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.


Books Recommended :

  1. R.G. Gettell : Political Science
  2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
  3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
  4. G.H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
  5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
  6. H.G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
  7. gynv¤§` Av‡qk DÏxb : ivóªwPš—v cwiwPwZ
  8. GgvRDwÏb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi ivóªwPš—v
  9. †gvt `i‡ek Avjx Lvb : †c­‡Uv I Gwi÷U‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPš—v
  10. mi`vi dRjyj Kwig : †c­‡Uvi wicvewjK



Paper Code 213905Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Introduction to Psychology
  1. Introduction: Definition and nature of Psychology; Psychology as a science; Fields of Psychology; Definition, scope and subject mater of social Psychology. Methods used in Psychology: Experimental, Observational, Clinical, Case histories, Survey method, Sociometry.
  2. Biological Basis of Behavior: The Major division of Nervous System: The central Nervous System‑

Brain and Spinal Cord; The Peripheral Nervous System-Somatic and Autonomic System.

  1. Perception: Definition of perception; Organization of perception; Depth perception; Illusion and


  1. Motivation and Emotion: Definition of motivation; Motivational cycle; Classification of motives-Primary and Secondary motives; Bodily changes in emotion.
  2. Learning: Definition and factors of learning; Processes of learning: Trial and Error learning, Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning; Insightful learning.
  3. Memory and Forgetting: Definition of Memory and forgetting; Ways of measuring memory; General causes of forgetting; Techniques of improving memory.
  4. Intelligence: Definition of Intelligence; Measurement of intelligence-Stanford-Binet intelligence scale and Wechsler intelligence scale.
  5. Personality: Definition of Personality: Measuring personality: Observation, Rating, Inventories, Projective techniques.

References (Introduction to Psychology)

  1. Avdmvi DÏxb Gg 2002 mvaviY g‡bvweÁvb| ivRkvnx t ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq cÖKvkbv †evW©|
  2. Crider, A.B., Goethals, G.R. Robert D. Kavanaugh.R.D. Solomon, P.R. Psychology, Scott

Foresman (1993), Psychology (4th ed.) New York; Harper Collins College publishers.

  1. Feldman, R.S. (2002), Understanding Psychology (6th) New York; Mc Graw Hill; Hisher


  1. Hilgrad, E.R., Alkimson, R., and Alkinson. R.C. Introduction to Psychology. New York;


  1. Huffman K. (2004) Psychology in Action (7th) U.S.A.; John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  2. gÛj, †hv‡M`ª Kzgvi (2008): mvaviY g‡bvweÁvb; nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
  3. Morgan, C.T. and King, R.A Wisz, J.R. and Shoopier C. (1966) Introduction to Psychology. New York. Mc Graw Hill, Latest ed.
  4. N.L. (1969) Introduction to Psychology; D Boston, Houghton Miffin Co.
  5. Newman, P.R. and Newman, B.M. (1983) Principles of Psychology; Illionis Homewood: The Dorsey Press, Latest ed.
  6. Zimbardo, P.G (1979), Psychology and life: Scott, Foresman and Co. (Latest Edition to be followed.)


Paper Code 212209Marks: 100Credits: 4       Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Principles of Economics
  1. Fundamentals of Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope of Economics, Scarcity of Resources, Various forms of Economic Organization, Three Fundamental Problems of Economics, Production Possibility Frontier, Opportunity Cost, Efficiency and Equity.
  2. Supply and Demand: Demand and Quantity Demanded, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Supply and Quantity Supplied, Supply Schedule, Supply Curve, Equilibrium of Supply and Demand, Movement along the Supply and Demand Curve and Shift of Supply and Demand Curve and Its Effects on Equilibrium Price and Quantity. Elasticity of Supply and Demand; Determinants of Elasticity of Demand.
  3. The Theory of Consumer Behavior: Total and Marginal Utility; Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Equi-Marginal Utility; Consumer Surplus.
  4. Production and Cost: Production Function and Technology; Production with One Variable Input; Production with Two Variable Inputs; Returns to Scale; Costs in the Short-run; Costs in the Long-run.
  5. Market Analysis:
  6. Perfect Competition: Characteristics of Perfect Competition; Average and Marginal Revenue; Individual and Market Supply; Short-run equilibrium of a competitive firm Long run Equilibrium under Perfect Competition.
  7. Monopoly: Average and Marginal Revenue; Supply Curve of the Monopolist; Perfect Competition and Monopoly Compared;
  8. Overview of Macro Economics: Objective and Instruments of Macroeconomics, National Income Accounting, Gross Domestic Product, Problem of Double Counting, Net Domestic Product, Gross National Product, From GDP to Disposable Income, Net Economic Welfare (NEW).
  9. International Trade: Domestic Vs. International Trade-Balance of Trade Vs. Balance of Payment-Trend of Changes in International Trade of Bangladesh. Free Trade Vs. Protection, Comparative Advantage Theory.
  10. Growth and Development: Economic Development and Economic Growth, Measurement of
  11. Money: Definition and Functions of Money-Importance of Money in Modern Economy-Different Concepts of Money (M1, M2, M3)-Value of Money. Concept, Causes and Effects of Inflation and Deflation.
  12. Government Revenue and Expenditure: Difference between Public Sector and Private Sector finance, Different Sources of Govt. Revenues, Taxation and Different Kinds of Taxes, Definition of Revenue Budget, Development Budget, Revenue Budget Vs. Development Budget, Surplus, Deficit and Balanced Budget.

Books Recommended:

  1. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Economics. Any Late Edition. South We stern College.
  2. Michael Parkin. Any Late Edition. Prentice and Hall.
  3. Karl Case and Ray Fair. Principles of Economics. Any Late Edition. Prentice and Hall.
  4. Paul Samuelson and William Nordhaus. Any Late Edition. McGraw Hill.





About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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