Special link for honours 2nd year result :
Click Here and See first Honours 2nd year Result 2020

Cgpa / Gpa calculation honours 2nd year results: https://campustimesbd.com/archives/1679
Honours 2nd year results 2020 published any day of this month. NU Honours 2nd year exam 2019 which session 2017-18. If you need National university honours second year exam routine details please go this link Honours 2nd year exam routine.pdf .
Now I’m share how to easily check your results by www.nu.ac.bd/results .
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ২০১৯ সালের অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট প্রকাশ।
অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ তত্বীয় পরীক্ষা শুরু হয় ০৯ নভেম্বর শেষ হয় ১১ জানুয়ারী ২০২০ এবং ব্যবহারিক পরীক্ষা শুরু হয় ০৮ ফেব্রুয়ারিতে শেষ হয় ০৫ মার্চ।
How to check Honours 2nd year result 2020:
When nu published any batch results the National University website are server down or link not working properly. So many of students very upset for the reason. Campustimesbd share to you 4 methods check 2nd year result 2020.
Result check by SMS: Send SMS to 16222 from any Cell for recent Result of honours 2nd year.
SMS Format: NU [space] H2 [space] Roll_No
Example: NU H2 8101789 and send 16222
Honours 2nd year result by Online:
Honours 2nd year published by national University of Bangladesh official website www.nu.ac.bd. if you need your honours 2nd year result please visit http://www.nu.ac.bd/results and click honours tab then selecte honours 2nd year. Now input your 2nd year Roll no, registration no, exam year 2019, captcha and finally click Search Result.
But National University official website down when published any result. If you didn’t get your result above method please go www.nubd.info/hons.php and following instructions.
Honours 2nd year board challenge: after 3 or 4 days later honours 2nd year board challenge or Rescrutiny Notice published by national University of Bangladesh.