Honours 2nd year routine 2019 published new routine and Exam start 14 November. National University of Bangladesh completed honours 2nd year form fill-up September 2019. National University now processing exam maintain and result published after 3 month later. I’m am write to summary honours 2nd year 2019.
Routine download link: http://www.nu.ac.bd/uploads/2018/notice_156_pub_date_11112019.pdf
Exam start : 14/11/2019
Exam end : 23/12/2019
Exam start time : 01.00 pm
Practical date : not published
Result published: after 3 month
Honours 2nd year NEW routine 2019 below the image:

If you Department wish routine 2019 national university of Bangladesh. Just check routine and your subject code of honours 2nd year. So, honours 2nd year candidate should be read and read before exam. Honours 2nd year practical date 2019: simply honours 2nd year practical date announced national University official website www.nu.ac.bd. But practical date published after 15th days of theory exam end. Honours 2nd year result 2019: basically National University of Bangladesh honours result published within 6 month. So we guess honours 2nd year result published within 6 month. If you search honours 2nd year result 2019 you can bookmark 2 website of national University Bangladesh. National university official website are www.nu.ac.bd and www.nubd.info. If you any Question of honours 2nd year 2019 please comment this post. Specially we collect suggestions of English compulsory honours 2nd year 2019.