Department of Explosives Job Exam Schedule and Admit Card Release. Name of the post: Sant Mundaksharik cum-Computer Operator and Office Assistant cum Computer Numeracy. Exam Date: Friday, 31 March 2023 (10:00 AM to 11.30 AM). Admit Card Download Link: available here. Department of Explosives Energy and Mineral Resources Division ADMIT CARD.
Admit Card Download Link:
DOEXP Admit Card 2023 –

General Instructions:
1. Candidates must bring the ‘Admit Card’ and show it to the invigilator(s) on duty.
2. Photograph contained in this Admit Card will be matched with the photograph submitted with original application.
3. Candidates should bring two Black Ballpoint Pens. Use of Pencil is PROHIBITED.
4. Mobile Phone, Calculator or any Electronic Device (including digital watch) is NOT ALLOWED.
5. Candidates should take his/her seat before 15 minutes of commencement of the examination.