NU Preliminary to Masters Result 2023

National University Master’s 1st Phase Exam Result 2019 will be released today Thursday (23 February 2023) at 9 PM. A total of 70 thousand 316 candidates participated in this examination across the country. The pass rate in the exam is 40.2 percent. The exam result will be known from the National University website (

Result Link:





The result will be known on the NU Result website. The result has been uploaded to the website. Now you can see Masters 1st Phase (2018-19) Results on the website. If there is a problem with the server, please be patient and check. National University repeated the same incident. Delay in releasing Masters 1st Phase Result despite notification.



nu preliminary to masters result 2023





The same thing happened during the results of the Honors Professional Course last February 20. If Masters 1st Phase Result is scheduled to be released at 9 PM, the result upload is delayed. If you ask the authorities about this matter, the memorizer will say, ‘Due to a technical error, the results could not be published.’ Will be published soon”.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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