Junior Instructor/Physical Education Instructor Admit Card 2023

Junior Instructor/Physical Education Instructor Admit Card 2023 published. Junior Instructor-Physical Education Instructor Exam Time Table 2023. Regarding taking MCQ type of selection test for the post of ‘Junior Instructor/Physical Education Instructor’ in the 10th grade of various polytechnic institutes and technical schools and colleges of the Directorate of Technical Education under the Department of Technical and Madrasa Education of the Ministry of Education.


Admit Card Download Link: http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd

Junior Instructor/Physical Education Instructor Admit Card 2023



02 [two] hour-long MCQ type selection test of 200 marks for the post of 10th grade ‘Junior Instructor/Physical Education Instructor’ in various Polytechnic Institutes and Technical Schools and Colleges under the Department of Technical and Madrasa Education Department of Technical Education Department on 18.03.2023 Dates will be held simultaneously on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in various educational institutions in Dhaka.

Note that detailed instructions regarding the examination hall, seating arrangement, and examination will be published later on the Commission’s website [www.bpsc.gov.bd].


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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