degree 2nd release slip 2023 Apply Now

degree 2nd release slip 2023 Apply Now. Application for 2nd and latest release slip. Degree 1st Year Regular Admission (2021-22). Urgent notification regarding the online application of the 2nd and latest release slip in the 1st-year graduate (pass) admission program in the academic year 2021-2022. Online application of the 2nd and last release slip in the regular admission program for degree 1st year (2021-22) will be on 31/01/2023 at 4 PM It will start on 08/02/2023 till 12:00 PM.


Degree 2nd release slip who can apply:

All the applicants in the 1st year graduation (pass) class admission program in the academic year 2021-2022,

A) Did not get placed on the merit list
b) Not admitted despite being placed on the merit list
c) After being admitted to the merit list, the admission is later canceled,

It may be noted that any student admitted in the 1st year graduation (pass) class in the academic year 2021-2022 who wishes to apply for the 2nd release slip, must cancel the previous admission by 06 February 2023. Detailed information regarding this can be known from the Prospectus (Degree Pass) / Important Notice option of the National University admission website (


degree 2nd release slip Notice 2023



When to apply online for degree 2nd release slip?

The online application of the 2nd release slip for the 1st year graduation (pass) admission program in the academic year 2021-2022 should be completed as per the schedule below. Date of Online Application in 2nd Release Slip for 1st Year Graduate (Pass) Admission Program for Academic Year 2021-2022:

  • 31/01/2023 to 08/02/2023

A) To apply for the release slip, the applicant should go to the Degree Pass Login link in the Applicant Login option of the admission website and enter the correct roll number and PIN entry. In this case, the release slip application form along with the applicant’s name and other information will be displayed on the website.

b) At this stage, if the applicant selects any college by going to the department and district-wise college selection option, he will see the list of vacant seats in his eligible course in that college. The applicant has to select his/her Eligible course from the list of vacant seats in each college and give entry. In this way, an applicant will fill out the release slip application form by selecting courses in five colleges according to his/her choice.

c) The applicant has to download the release slip application form and collect print/PDF copy on offset white paper but this form need not be submitted to the applied colleges and no fee has to be paid.

d) Release slip application need not be confirmed online by the concerned college.


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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