15th bjsc result 2023 pdf download

15th bjsc result 2023 published. Final Result of 15th Bangladesh Judicial Service Examination, 2022. The roll numbers of 103 (one hundred and three) candidates provisionally passed and nominated in the 15th BJS examination, 2022 for the purpose of recruitment to the entry post of Bangladesh Judicial Service (Assistant Judge) have been released for the information of all concerned. It is to be noted that since the 100th, 101st, 102nd, and 103rd meritorious candidates have received the same marks, a total of 103 candidates have been nominated along with 03 additional candidates along with the 100 candidates mentioned in the recruitment circular.


15th bjsc result in 2023 pdf download


2. If a candidate furnishes false information or conceals information or has any deficiency in qualification or any other irregularity in the application form, his/her nomination shall be deemed canceled.

3. The place and date of appearance of the candidates for the health examination will be determined and the notification will be published in the daily newspaper, notice board, and website of the Commission. If any candidate is declared/deemed ineligible in the health examination or pre-identity verification report (Police Verification), the nomination of that candidate will be considered canceled.

4. Provisional nomination cannot be claimed as the right of appointment.

5. The commission reserves the right to alter, augment or amend the published results if any inaccuracies are noticed or as reasonably necessary.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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