Bangladesh Supreme Court Exam Schedule 2023

Bangladesh Supreme Court Recruitment Exam Schedule 2023. Bangladesh Supreme Court Recruitment Preliminary Examination Notification. For the information of all concerned, it is informed that the preliminary examination for the post of ‘Protocol Officer’, 2022 will be held on 03/02/2023 AD. The date will be held on Friday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at the below-mentioned center in Dhaka.

MCQ answer sheet will be provided to the candidates. Candidates will fill in the respective sections of the answer sheet as per the rules. Candidates will write the set number of the question paper on their answer sheet and start answering by filling in the corresponding circle. If the set number is not entered and the circle is not filled correctly, the answer sheet will be canceled.

Every candidate will sign the attendance list. At this time, the photo of the admit card will be compared with the photo of the attendance list of the candidates. A warning bell will ring for the completion of the exam. The exam will end immediately after the closing bell. Candidates will sit in their own seats.


After the invigilators have counted the answer sheets, the candidates will leave their respective seats and rooms.


Bangladesh Supreme Court Exam Schedule 2023



Bangladesh Supreme Court Exam Instructions:

(a) Preliminary examination will be conducted in MCQ mode. Circles of the OMR Sheet should be filled with black ink ball pen.

(b) Bringing bags, books, calculators, electronic/watches, mobile phones, and any other type of device used for data exchange in the examination center is strictly prohibited. If the instructions of this clause are violated, the concerned candidate will be barred from participating in the examination.

(c) Candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the instructions mentioned in the admit card carefully.

(d) Candidates concerned will not be allowed to participate in the examination if the photo on the admit card does not match the photo on the attendance list.

(e) No candidate shall be allowed to enter the center after 10:00 AM and no candidate shall leave the examination hall/room till the completion of the examination.

(f) Exam schedule may be canceled or changed considering the circumstances. In that case, the modified schedule or instructions will be published on the Bangladesh Supreme Court website.

(g) All the candidates are requested to come to the examination hall following proper hygiene rules.


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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