taxraj admit card download 2023 –

Tax Commissioner’s Office Tax Zone Rajshahi Job Exam Schedule Released. Post Name: Typist Cum Computer Operator, Senior Assistant, Numismatics Cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant Cum Computer Numerical, Car Driver, Office Assistant, Notice Server, Security Guard. Date of Examination: The date of examination is different for each post. Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Taxes Zone-Rajshahi, Kar Bhaban, Helenabad, Rajpara, Rajshahi., Admit Card for the post of ‘Security Guard’

Taxes Zone-Rajshahi Exam Information 2023:

  • Exam Date: See admit Card
  • Post Name: Typist Cum Computer Operator, Senior Assistant, Numismatics Cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant Cum Computer Numerical, Car Driver, Office Assistant, Notice Server, Security Guard

taxraj admit card download 2023 –


Admit Card Download Link:

taxraj admit card 2023 –



Instructions to the Candidates

1. This admits card will be applicable for written examination, practical examination, and viva voce.

2. Applicants must carry this admit card during every examination and show it to the invigilator (s) on duty.

3. Applicants are prohibited from bringing books, bags, mobile phones, wristwatches, electronic clocks, calculators, or any other communication device. Bringing above mentioned prohibited articles in the examination hall is a punishable offense.

4. Applicants must use the same signature for the application, attendance sheet, and answer script.

5. Use of pencil in the test is NOT ALLOWED.

6. Applicants must reach the examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

7. Photo contained on this admit card will be verified with the original application form submitted earlier.

8. Authority reserves all rights to take punitive measures against any candidate who adopts unfair means or misconduct in the examination hall.

9. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the examinations.

10. The date, time, place of practical and viva voce will be informed to the eligible Applicants at the website ( & Notice Board of the Taxes Zone-Rajshahi

11. All the original documents/certificates must be brought at the time of viva voce along with 01 (one) set of photocopies and 02(two) copies of P.P size photographs.

12. It is Mandatory for all to wear face masks properly and follow health measures strictly.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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