bim job circular 2023 –

bim job circular 2023 – published. Applications are invited from eligible permanent citizens of Bangladesh under the stated conditions to fill up a total of 24 (twenty-four) vacant posts in the following 12 categories of the Bangladesh Institute of Management under the Ministry of Industry.

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bim job circular 2023 –

Bangladesh Institute of Management Recruitment Conditions:

1. Applicant must submit written/typed application on white paper. The name of the post applied for should be clearly written on the envelope.

2. Applicant’s name, father’s/husband’s name, mother’s name, permanent address, present address, date of birth, nationality, religion, marital status, educational qualification, experience, publications (if any), etc. should be mentioned in the application.

3. The following documents must be attached to the application form:-

  • a) Attested copies of all other documents including national identity card or birth registration certificate;
  • b) Certificate of Nationality issued by Local Chairman/ Municipal Mayor/ Councilor in City Corporation;
  • c) Character certificate issued by a first-class gazetted officer who is not a relative of the candidate;
  • d) 04 (four) copies of passport-size color photographs recently taken by a gazetted officer of first-class;
  • e) A pay order/bank draft of Tk 500/- (five hundred) for serial-1 – 4 and Tk 300/- (three hundred) for serial 5-12 should be paid in favor of the Director General, BIM, Dhaka along with the application. No postal orders are accepted;
  • f) Attested copy of the appropriate certificate issued by the Ministry of Liberation War if the candidate is the child of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters;
  • g) Attested copy of disability certificate signed by an appropriate authority in case of disabled candidates;
  • h) If the candidate belongs to the tribal community, a copy of the certificate obtained from the concerned District Commissioner;

4. The age limit of the candidate will be determined on the basis of an SSC or equivalent examination certificate. As per the Ministry of Public Administration Memorandum No-05.000000 170.15.01720-149, dated 22-09-2022, the maximum age limit of the candidates will be fixed as 25-03-2020. Affidavit regarding age will not be admissible.

5. The e-mail address and mobile/phone number must be mentioned in the application form.

6. Appointed officers and employees will be regulated as per the Bangladesh Institute of Management’s Employee Employment Regulations 2001.

7. Legal action will be taken against the candidate if any documents/documents/information submitted by the candidate is found to be false. Even after getting the job, if at any stage his certificate/information provided is found to be false, legal action will be taken against him including immediate dismissal from the job. Equivalence certificates issued by UGC should be attached in case of certificates obtained from foreign educational institutions.

8. Job application should reach the Director General, Bangladesh Institute of Management, 4 Sobhan Bagh, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207 by registered post or directly. The application form must reach the office of the Director General by 26th January 2023 during office hours. Applications received after the stipulated time will be treated as canceled immediately and will be returned.

9. After the proper selection of the applications, the prescribed admit card for the written test will be sent to the eligible candidates by post. Due to special circumstances, if the admit card is not received within the stipulated time, the duplicate admits card will be collected from BIM on the candidate’s own initiative.

10. At the time of oral examination all relevant original certificates along with educational qualifications, and experience have to be displayed.

11. The recruitment process will be done completely through merit, impartiality, and transparency. Any personal communication and lobbying will be considered a disqualification of the candidate.

12. The latest prevailing rules shall be reserved/applicable during all the quota recruitment periods prescribed by the Government.

13. Employed candidates have to apply through the appropriate authority.

14. If the applicant is the son/daughter and grandchild of a freedom fighter, an attested copy of the freedom fighter certificate of the father/mother/grandfather/mother given by the competent authority and if the applicant is the son/daughter and grandchild of a freedom fighter, then the relevant Union Parishad Chairman/ City Corporation as proof. An attested photocopy of the certificate issued by the Ward Councillor/Municipal Mayor/Councillor should be submitted.

15. No allowance (TA/DA) will be given for appearing in written, oral and practical tests.

16. The authority reserves the right to reduce/increase the number of posts. The decision of the appointing authority shall be final in all matters relating to recruitment.

17. Unsigned and incomplete applications will be considered outright cancellations.

18. BIM’s website may be visited for up-to-date information.

19. BIM Office Order No-36,07,0000022.11.200.23/05, Dated: 03/07/2022 AD Those who have applied for the said posts need not reapply.

20. The authority reserves the right to cancel this recruitment notification without assigning any reason.


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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