BCC Admit Card Download 2023 – erecruitment.bcc.gov.bd

BCC Admit Card Download 2022 – erecruitment.bcc.gov.bd. Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) published the recruitment exam schedule for various posts. Exam Date: 6 January 2023. Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) for the purpose of recruitment in the revenue sector written examination of the said posts on 06.01.2023 AD. Dhaka Residential Model College, Mohammadpur will be held as per the following schedule. Admit cards are sent by e-mail or https://erecruitment.bcc.gov.bd Admit cards can be downloaded from the website.


BCC Admit Card Download 2023 – erecruitment.bcc.gov.bd



BCC Exam instructions:

1. To participate in the written examination, one must be present at the examination center 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination;

2. Black ink ball pen should be used for writing the answer sheet;

3. Any kind of books, bags, calculators, mobile phones, or any kind of electronics in the exam center
Cannot be kept with the device;

4. Print copy of admit card for appearing in written, practical (where applicable), and oral examinations
must be demonstrated;

5. Legal action will be taken in case of any misconduct;

6. Original copies of certificates and other documents mentioned in the recruitment circular at the time of oral examination and an Original copy of the certificate (if applicable) must be produced in favor of the quota;

7. The result of the written test is on the Bangladesh Computer Council website and the notice board on the same day will be published;

8. Bangladesh if any change is required regarding the said examination due to unavoidable reasons
Notifying on the Computer Council website (www.bcc.gov.bd) and through notice, the board will be;

9. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the examination.

BCC Job Circular 2022 – erecruitment.bcc.gov.bd



About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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