bepza Exam result 2022 –

Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority bepza Exam result 2022 – published. Written Exam Result and Oral Exam Timetable for Recruitment of Officers in Bepja Revenue Department Roll of selected candidates in the written examination for the post of Bepjar Revenue Officer held on 04 November 2022, Marks and date of oral examination are mentioned below.


bepza Exam result 2022 –





02. The oral examination of the candidates selected for oral examination will be held at Bepza Executive Office, Bepza Complex, Building No-19/D, Road-06, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Candidates selected in the written test must submit the following documents to the board while participating in the oral test:

  • (a) Original Admit Card (Colour Print) of Written Examination;
  • (b) Online Applicant Copy (Rashin Print);
  • (c) Original copy of the certificate in favor of the quota of candidates applying for children of freedom fighters and physically challenged quota;
  • (d) Original copies of all educational qualification certificates, experience certificates, national identity cards/birth certificates;
  • (e) No objection letter issued by the appointing authority in case of in-service candidates;
  • (g) Original copy of citizenship certificate issued by the Ward Commissioner/Union Parishad Chairman of his/her area in favor of proof of permanent address; Also 01 set of attested photocopies of all the mentioned documents should be submitted to the oral examination board.

03. No separate admit card will be issued for the oral examination.

04. Candidates will appear at the practical/oral examination venue 30 (thirty) minutes prior to the examination on the scheduled date.

05. Candidates will appear on time at the mentioned place on the specified date. Failure to appear at the scheduled place and time will not result in any subsequent oral examination being accepted.

06. Candidates are requested to participate in the oral examination following proper hygiene rules including mandatory wearing of masks.

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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