ACC Court Inspector Results 2022

ACC Court Inspector Results 2022. Following are the roll numbers of the candidates who passed the preliminary selection test held on 26-11-2022 for the recruitment of manpower to the vacant post of Court Inspector of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Candidates who qualify for the initial selection test will be notified later on the date of the written test.

Special Note: Do not bribe anyone in Anti-Corruption Commission Recruitment Exam. Don’t be fooled by anyone. If someone asks for a bribe, report it to the ACC Complaint Center 106 immediately. This recruitment is being held with 100% honesty and transparency.

ACC Court Inspector Results 2022

About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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