CGA result 2022 – The office of the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGA) published the final result of the recruitment exam for the post of Computer Numerologist. 389 people were selected for the position of Computer Numerologist. CGA office announced the list of provisionally passed candidates based on the results of written, practical and oral examinations for the post of Computer Numerology.
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For the information of all concerned, it is at this moment informed that the written examination held on 05 August 2022 for the recruitment of 16th-grade computer numismatist in Comptroller General Office, 09-09-2022, 10-09-2022, 16-09-2022, 17-09 – On the basis of the results of the practical examination on 2022 and subsequent oral examination conducted from 06-10-2022 to 23-10-2022, the following candidates have been declared provisionally passed:
cga result 2022 – কম্পিউটার মুদ্রাক্ষরিক ফলাফল

2. The provisionally selected candidates will be intimated in due course about the joining schedule for the Computer Numerical post. Further detailed information in this regard is available on the website of the CGA office (
3. The authority reserves the right to correct/cancel any inaccuracy in the results published.