KDA Jobs Circular 2022 – Khulna Development Authority Jobs Circular 2022

KDA Jobs Circular 2022 – Khulna Development Authority Jobs Circular 2022. Khulna Development Authority (kda) Recruitment Circular 2022. Applications are invited online (http://kda.teletalk.com.bd) from genuine Bangladeshi citizens for the direct recruitment of 43 (forty-three) vacant posts under the revenue sector of Khulna Development Authority (KHUK) on a temporary basis. The educational qualification and other conditions required for applying for the said post are mentioned below.



Khulna Development Authority (kda) Recruitment Circular 2022


Post Name and Post Number:

  1. Assistant Engineer (Pur) – 4
  2. Sub-Assistant Engineer (Pur) – 2
  3. Antecedent – 1
  4. Computer Operator – 1
  5. Scribe-cum-Computer Operator – 1
  6. Sant-Mudraksharkar-cum Computer Operator – 1
  7. Audit Assistant – 1
  8. Accounts Assistant – 2
  9. Low-Grade Assistant cum Numismatic/Office Assistant cum Computer Operator – 8
  10. Caretaker – 3
  11. Work assistant – 4
  12. Surveyor – 4
  13. Building Inspector – 4
  14. Car Driver (Light) – 4
  15. Chainman – 1
  16. Office Assistant – 2

KDA Jobs Circular 2022









Also read:

Khulna KDA Application Link:

1. The applicant must be a citizen of Bangladesh.

2. Candidates have to apply online (http://kda.teletalk.com.bd). The applicant’s name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth and own district, and all other information must be written in the same manner as written in the relevant certificate, in the online application form, and later.

3. Any printed/handwritten application or documents sent by post or by any other means will not be accepted.

4. Affidavit regarding age is not admissible. Age Limit Maximum 30 years as of 19/09/2022 AD. However for freedom fighters/sons and daughters of freedom fighters/physically challenged applicants maximum age limit is 32 years.

5. Candidates working in Government, Semi-Government and Autonomous Organizations must produce permission from the appropriate authority at the time of oral examination.

6. An applicant can apply for only one category of post.

7. Terms and conditions related to online application form filling in Khulna Development Authority (kda):


  • a) Candidates who wish to participate in the examination (http://kda.teletalk.com.bd) or www. You have to complete the online registration process along with the exam fee by filling out the prescribed application form through kda.gov.bd website. On entering the said website, the notification of ‘Khuuk Niyog 2022’, the detailed instructions for filling the application form, and the prescribed Application Form link will be visible. If you click on the Application Form link, the radio button will be visible next to the blanks. After selecting the radio button and clicking on the Next button, the Application Form page will be entered.

i) Commencement date and time for filling of application form and submission of examination fee: 19/09/2012 AD at 10.00 AM

ii) Last date and time for submission of filled application form: 13/10/2012 AD up to 5.00 PM. Candidates who have received User ID within the said period can submit the application fee through SMS within the next 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submitting the application form online;

  • b) The candidate shall scan and upload his/her signature (length 300 × width 80 pixels) and color photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) in the online application form;
  • c) Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, therefore the candidate himself will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled before submitting the online application form;
  • d) After completing the online application form properly and uploading the candidate’s photo and signature as per the instructions, after submitting the application form, the application preview along with the photo will be displayed on the computer. After submitting the application form automatically, an Applicant’s copy with a User ID, Photo, and Signature of the candidate will be available. After downloading the applicant’s copy, print it in color and save it as an aid for any exam-related needs;
  • e) Using the User ID number received, the candidate can send an SMS through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number. Regarding the application fee, the application fee is Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) Taka for the application fee against the posts under (3-16) within 72 (seventy-two) hours only. Note that even if all parts of the application form are filled and submitted online, the online application form will not be accepted in any way until the application fee is submitted. Below are the SMS instructions for the User ID and Password recovery method.
  • Procedure to send SMS to Khulna Development Authority (kda):

  • First SMS: Write KDA <space> User ID and send to 16222.
  • Example: KDA ABCDE and send to 16222
  • Second SMS: KDA <space> Yes <space> PIN should be sent to 16222. .
  • Example: KDA YES 123456 and send to 16222
  • After sending the second SMS, the password will be available in the return SMS. Password is Admit card
  • (Admit Card) Candidates will save for Download.

User ID and Password recovery method:

  • Candidates can recover their User ID and Password by following the below-mentioned SMS procedure only from Teletalk’s pre-paid mobile phone.
  • If User ID is known: KDA <space>Help<space>User<space>User ID & Send to 16222
  • Example: KDA Help User ABCDEF & Send to 16222
  • If PIN Number is known: KDA <space>Help<space>PIN<space>PIN Number & Send to
  • Example: KDA Help PIN 12345678 & Send to 16222

f) Receipt of admit card on website (http://kda.teletalk.com.bd) and SMS on candidate’s mobile phone
(Eligible candidates only) will be intimated in due course. All communication related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so it is recommended to keep the said number active at all times, read the SMS, and follow the instructions received immediately.

g) Using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, download the admit card with roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time and place/center name, etc. and save the colored print. Candidates must produce the admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and at the time of the oral test if passed.

8. Eligibility Verification of Candidates in Khulna Development Authority (kda):

If any information provided by the candidate or submitted documents is proved to be fake, false or false or if any fake or fraudulent practice is adopted in the examination, legal action will be taken against the candidate including cancellation of his/her candidature. The authority reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate who has passed the examination if wrong information/fake documents are produced. At the time of oral examination one attested photocopy/copy of each of the following documents shall be produced and submitted;

  • a) Certificates of all educational qualifications of the candidate;
  • b) One copy of the character certificate issued by a first-class officer;
  • c) Citizenship certificate issued by the Chairman of the Union Parishad/Mayor/Councillor of the Municipality;
  • d) National Identity Card;
  • e) Applicant’s copy of completed online application form.

9. All the information regarding the examination will be available on the website of the Khulna Development Authority (KDA) (www.kda.gov.bd).
10. Candidates will be finally selected on the basis of marks obtained in written and oral examinations and educational qualifications.
11. In the case of recruitment, all government rules and regulations shall be followed.
12. The appointing authority will reserve the power to take any decision regarding the appointment.
13. The authority reserves the right to reduce/increase the number of posts mentioned in the notification and cancel the notification.
14. Candidates will not be paid any TA/DA for participating in the recruitment test.
15. This recruitment circular is published in light of Khulna Development Authority’s memo number 25.41.0000. dated: 14/09/2022 AD.

Khulna Development Authority (kda) Recruitment Circular 2022 PDF Download


About Nazmul Hasan

Hi! I'm Nazmul Hasan. From Koyra, Khulna. I'm Student of Under National University of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna, Department of Political Science....

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